Tag: adaptogens
FTC Disclosure: Delicious Obsessions may receive comissions from purchases made through links in this article. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.Read our full terms and conditions here. Over the last year, I have been doing a lot of experimenting and research on herbs. I have found the teas are the best way...
Feature Image at Top: Schisandra Berries drying in China | Image Used with permission of Chris Kilham of MedicineHunter.com  (I highly recommend this website! Tons of great info!) Welcome to another installment in my multi-part series, where I am discussing adaptogens and how I am using them to help me on my healing journey. You...
Featured Image Above courtesy of Wikimedia Commons Welcome to the second installment of my multi-part series, where I will be discussing adaptogens and how I am personally using them on my healing journey. In August, 2012, I started on a journey to better health. I decided that it was time that I put my health...
Welcome to the first of a multi-part series, where I will be discussing a group of herbs called adaptogens and how I am personally using them on my healing journey. In August 2012, I started on a journey to better health. I decided that it was time that I put my health in the front...
Over the last year, I have become fascinated with herbs. While I have always believed in healing with herbs and natural remedies, it was in the last year that I really started to take it all to heart, and just in the last couple months that I have started doing some serious research. I have...