Category: Health, Wellness, & Nutrition
FTC Disclosure: Delicious Obsessions may receive comissions from purchases made through links in this article. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.Read our full terms and conditions here. This article is shared today with permission from Dr. Mercola. I have followed the paleo style of eating for several years now and I think...
IMPORTANT UPDATE (6/30/15) ABOUT THIS POST AND RECIPE: I no longer advocate the consumption of ascorbic acid in high doses, based on new information. I do believe that high-dose synthetic C has its place in acute situations (as described in the Miracle Man story below), but as far as daily immune-support, I only recommend vitamin C in...
{Note from Jessica: Today’s post is shared by my sweet friend Mindy. Mindy is a whole food lover with a passion for sharing natural and safe alternatives to conventional beauty products. Transitioning to a healthier lifestyle can seem overwhelming. So at her blog, Simple Pure Beauty, she likes to keep things simple by sharing safe,...
There are scientifically proven ways to boost your happiness, such as exercising, sleeping well and helping others. A shorter commute to work is also strongly linked to happiness, as is spending time with friends and family. Getting outdoors, planning a vacation and showing gratitude are other ways to easily live a happier life.