Tag: coffee
FTC Disclosure: Delicious Obsessions may receive comissions from purchases made through links in this article. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.Read our full terms and conditions here. Editor’s Note: Please welcome my friend Amy to the site today to share another great post! Make sure you stop by Amy’s site to learn...
This cinnamon vanilla herbal “coffee” is a great substitute for those who have had to give up regular coffee for whatever reason. In my case, when I started on my healing journey, I had to eliminate all forms of caffeine and I do love coffee, so I needed to have a go-to substitute for it....
Some of you may drink coffee. Some of you may not. There is a lot of conflicting research out there regarding coffee. Some say that coffee should not be part of a healthy diet because of its addictive nature and effects on specific chemicals in the body. Others will say that a cup or two...
Summer has arrived. It’s hot. While I drink tons of water, and occasionally some iced tea, sometimes you just need a really tasty drink to satisfy your thirst! I have collected some great recipes this week and I’m excited to try all of them! What’s your favorite summertime drink? Weekly Recipe Wrap Up – The...
This recipe was developed after I stumbled across a recipe on Elana’s Pantry. I was looking for something different to make as a mid-afternoon pick-me-up and these hit the spot! They are really soft, so make sure you keep them refrigerated or frozen until you want to eat them. They are similar to the LaraBars that you can find...