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In today’s episode, Lydia and I are joined by a special guest, methylation expert, Jessica Bischof, NTP. Jessica is the founder of the Simple Steps Nutrition website and has been using methylation research to help her own clients.
In this in-depth podcast, we cover all the basics of methylation, including what methylation is and why it is important for us to understand when looking at our health. We also discuss how to get tested for methylation issues and who should consider getting this testing done.
Lastly, we talk about how to read the data once we get the tests back and learn how to implement the information into our own healing journey. Stay tuned for part 2 of this series later this spring. It’s such a complex topic that it will take more than one episode to cover it all! 🙂
Missed previous episodes? You can find them all here.
Links From This Week’s Episode:
- MTHFR.net – Your Expert Resource on MTHFR Gene Mutations
- 23andMe.com – Get your genetic testing here
- Learn More About Jessica Bischof and Her Services
- Health Assessment with Lydia
- Hair Analysis with Lydia
- Information about HTMA and Minerals
- How to Create a Game Plan to Keep Your Whole Family Healthy
Listen to The Vibrant Health Podcast :: Episode 23
Read The Vibrant Health Podcast Transcript :: Episode 23
Jessica E: Hi everyone. Welcome to episode number 23 of the Vibrant Health Podcast. I am Jessica from DeliciousObsessions.com and JessicaEspinoza.com and I’m here with my co-host, Lydia of DivineHealthfromtheInsideOut.com.
Today, we have a very special guest joining us and we’re super excited to dive into the topic that we’re going to talk about today. So Lydia, do you want to pop in and introduce our guest?
Lydia: Sure thing. Hi everyone. This is Lydia. I’m here today with my colleague, Jessica Bischof and Jessica is a nutritional therapist as well. And she happens to be an expert on methylation issues. And this is a topic we have wanted to dive into a bit. It’s something that is complicated and a lot of people have these days. But it’s a necessary thing to take a look at as many people have these certain methylation issues, and we may want to find out more about them. So Jessica has a lot of insights to share with us today on that topic.
So welcome Jessica, thanks for joining us.
Jessica B: My pleasure.
Jessica E: Jessica, why don’t you tell everybody just a little bit about you and how you came to be a methylation expert?
Jessica B: Sure. Like Lydia said, I am a nutritional therapist. And in addition to doing a lot of work with food and lifestyle modifications with my clients, I really realized that there is a need for certain individuals to go a level deeper and to help uncover some of the reasons why they struggle with certain health challenges. I’m sure that for many people in the health and wellness profession, it’s really been clients that have been that motivating factor for me to go deeper and learn more so that I am able to help more people.
So I had a very complex client who was doing everything right. He was eating not just Paleo, but he was doing AIP and he has made drastic lifestyle changes and his home was clean and his lifestyle was great and all of these things, and he was still really struggling. So I ended up going through the methylation work with him and seeing some results there.
So it really gave me a passion for this. And as I started learning about it when it was new to me, I realized what a powerful tool this information is when it’s paired with a practitioner who understands it and understands the big picture for really giving that bio-hacking and making some real break-throughs in our health.
Jessica E: Yeah, it’s definitely a topic that I have known about for several years and have known that I probably would have to dive into it, but it’s only actually been in the last month or so that I realized that yes, I do actually need to dive into this and it is really complex. Thankfully, I still work with Lydia and I also have a local naturopath who is very well-versed in methylation issues. We’re like a tag team in this whole thing. And even just going over briefly with my naturophath, just the basics of methylation, my head was going to explode. It’s just so complicated.
So can you give us just a basic overview? What is methylation? Why is it important? Why does it matter to our health? Why is this something that we should start looking into if we’re not getting the results just by changing our lifestyle and our diet and all of that?
Jessica B: Sure. It’s a really big question that you’re asking and so I’m going to try and do it justice. Feel free to tag team with me here if you think that there are other parts that I haven’t mentioned.
The first thing is that methylation is a process that’s happening in every cell of our body that experts tell us about a billion times a second. I don’t know how they measure that, but that’s what they tell us.
Jessica E: Wow.
Jessica B: So this process is going on, like I said, in every cell. So it affects, therefore, every system of the body, each of your organs, your tissues, how you feel, your ability to have proper hormonal responses and so forth.
Now methylation itself, one of the main goals of methylation and one of the first steps in the biochemical process is the replication of our DNA. This is important because every time we’re regenerating our cells, our skin, our tissues, and we’re doing this every day of every year, we have to copy our DNA into the new cells.
And we want those copies to be as clear as possible. We don’t want to be creating mutant copies. And then the more we recreate our own skin and our own tissues, that code becomes full of errors. When that happens, that’s when we get to invite cancers and other sorts of genetic-based illnesses. The code wasn’t copied correctly. So it’s very important, number one, that we copy the code correctly and that we also have enough raw material to keep up with making enough copies so that our regeneration processes aren’t impeded – there’s this cooking analogy – because we couldn’t have enough ingredients in the kitchen to keep making the DNA.
It starts with DNA protection. And our bodies are so amazing. The more you study the body, I’m sure everyone has this realization, the more you see what complex and beautiful creatures we are.
So not only is this process forcing us to replicate and stay alive, but this process also fuels our own detoxification pathways and our antioxidant pathways. So we are both getting rid of ways and creating the antioxidants like the glutathione and superoxide dismustase to process these toxic metabolites that are bodies are getting rid of.
So DNA, detox and then the biopterin pathways, what you really need to know about that is that it has to do with our neurotransmitters. And so it affects our mood. So our ability to not be depressed, ability to calm down and not be too high and not be too low, all of these things are intricately tied to the process of methylation.
And it’s like the gears in the watch. So methylation is the first gear that’s giving the input to push. And if that one spins correctly, all the rest of the gears will move correctly as well. But if the methylation gear has cogs in the wheel so to speak and things slow down, then the downstream effect can be quite broad. It can affect all of those systems that I just talked about. On a really high level, that’s why it’s so important. It’s important because it’s truly the backbone of maintaining life in the organism as we know it.
Jessica E: Wow. It’s so complex and it really is an excellent example of the miracle of life. The fact that any of us function at all with everything that has to happen in the body and all of the stuff that’s constantly going wrong, it’s truly amazing.
Jessica B: That’s a great point and that’s something that the more you know, the more you do think that “Oh my gosh, how are any of us still here?” But when it comes to methylation, and this is something else that everybody should know even if you never go any deeper, the listeners of this podcast, the body has multiple upon multiple backup systems. What this means is we’re all mutants. Everyone, when you look at your DNA, everyone is going to have mutations and yet, we’re still here and most of us are still doing pretty darn good.
So one thing that you should never take upon you is “Oh my gosh, I have a mutant patient. Therefore, I’m doomed.” That’s really an old way of understanding genetics and DNA. For a long time, scientists did think that we were essentially at the mercy of our DNA, but what we’ve come to understand is that there’s a whole of epigenetics, and epigenetics is what happens on top of our DNA and it’s what causes our genes to turn on and turn off.
So the bottom line and what this really means to us is that our diet, our lifestyle, our environment and our thoughts and beliefs can all impact our genes. Now, let that sink in for a minute. That is a huge statement. But making positive choices in all of these areas can affect your health in a great way in a genetic level. And the reverse is also true.
So it’s really mind-boggling, but what this means is that we are not the victims of lousy DNA. We might have gotten those genes from our parents based on the beds, but we aren’t the victims of that necessarily. That’s a broad statement. There certainly are genetic things that as of today, we don’t know how to bypass some of these genetically inherited conditions and I don’t want to make light of that or not acknowledge those struggles. But with this idea of the methylation pathway and these areas of reproducing our DNA well, detoxifying well, having benefits on our mental and emotional health, these areas, we really do have a lot of ability to impact our health for the good.
That’s why I’m so passionate about this whole subject and I’ve been treating it with my clients based on their lifestyle stuff, their genetic reports and so forth. It’s because it’s optionally actionable. It’s not like you’re just going to go, “Do this test and find out, ‘Great! I’m screwed! Woe is me. I can’t do anything about it.’” It’s actually quite the opposite.
And that’s why I think it’s worth doing and definitely I think there’s a lot of value there for the cost of the test into the ways that you can positively impact your health for the rest of your life.
Lydia: It’s so great when you break it down so simply and I think that that’s needed because it’s something that I haven’t had the time to fully study myself, and I’ve had clients, numerous clients, that are actually like, “Should I look in the methylation? Do I need this?” One of the things that I told them is even if you don’t know yet, yes, exactly what you just said, our diet, lifestyle, thoughts, beliefs, environment, that all plays a role in helping.
However, when people are really desperate to get better and they are seeking for answers, this has been something that has come up. So where I want to go now is to find out what is the best way to test for methylation issues, and then once you test for it, what do you do with the information once you get it? How do you understand it?
That’s the next thing that people are saying to me. “Yeah, I got my test results, but I have no clue how to figure it out. It’s so complicated. I even tried this group on Facebook and I didn’t get any answers.” So that’s the next thing I think that would be great if you could hash out with our listeners.
Jessica B: Sure, sure. Yeah, going to Dr. Google, that’s always a dangerous proposition. The groups on Facebook these days, I love them because I think they’re very empowering. And I hate them because I think that there’s a lot of false information going around. And anybody tends to present themselves as an expert just by being noisy and that’s not always great for patients or health advocates.
So getting back to the question about testing, there are more and more companies who are offering genetic testing these days, more and more labs that are doing it as well as some of the big labs like LabCorp and Quest. So there are a number of different options that people have.
The first thing is if you already have some genetic testing done, if your doctor ran a blood testing or something like that, you can always start with whatever information you have.
That being the case, for anyone who is saying, “Okay, I want to go do some testing, invest in this,” my recommendation is that they use the 23andMe test and that website is 23AndMe.com. And the reason that I recommend this is when you run the 23andMe, there’s a chip as they call it. It’s the most comprehensive. They do not run every single thing. There’s some information you can’t find out, but it’s by far the most comprehensive way to get your genetic information.
So there are a couple of different reports that you can get through their website. And many people are familiar with the ancestry side of that. So when you run it, they look at the mitochondrial DNA, which comes from the mother and they can tell you, with great certainty, information about your ancestry in your mother’s side and to some extent, information about your father’s side, too. Now, if you have a male relative who also does it and you link your accounts, you can be a little bit more sure about the paternal side if you’re a female.
So that’s ancestry information. It’s cool. To some people, it’s really meaningful depending on their family history and circumstances. To me, that’s not as interesting and certainly not where the information lies with what we’re talking about.
What you do is you download the raw data. That comes in a zip file and it’s about 600,000 genes. So it’s information on 600,000 genes, but nobody can sort through that at a manual level to look at that file and make heads or tails of it. So once you download the zip file, you go and use another service. And the service takes that raw summation and runs it through templates.
So these templates, primarily what I do in my practice, if I look at the methylation and the detox specification templates, but some people do really want to go deep and deep dive on this. There are other templates associated with diseases and conditions. Those things are there too.
And that’s why I really prefer the 23andMe testing over just some of the other tests. You’re going to perform this test and you’re going to get back the information on these 25D. And if you are the normal, you could be called the wild type or if you are mutated.
Because for the cost, the 23andMe test just gives you nearly everything that there is to know about. Some of the exceptions being it doesn’t give you information about some celiac disease polymorphisms or SNPs, and it also doesn’t give you information about some of the breast cancer genes. And I think part of their reason for that, that I’m speculating here, is they don’t want people self-diagnosing.
Those things are not present at this time in the 23andMe results. That may change in the future. But you still get those 600,000 genes, and then you have that raw information to go around and through every which way of any health condition that you might be interested in finding out your risk factors for and then taking a plan of action and working with the practitioner to decide how you’re going to approach that.
Lydia: That’s awesome. Yeah, so that’s the other thing that comes up. People are finding out about this test. They’re finding about the reasons why it could be useful, but then they’re getting this raw data, like you’re saying, and they’re not really sure what to do with it. So some people aren’t still clear on why they get this test.
We have two questions. Number one, who should consider getting the test? And number two, once they’ve gotten all the stuff you said, you’ve explained it, you can download the raw data and look into it, some people are extremely overwhelmed by that process. So we’ll talk about that a little bit later. But let’s find out who should prioritize getting this test. I mean, is it really important for certain people?
Jessica B: It is, I believe. When we’re talking about this nugget testing, just to clarify, the information where we’re starting with most people is we’re starting looking at their ability to be efficient in this methylation pathway that I talked about earlier.
So one of the things that makes sense is to take the conditions that impaired methylation is known to be a role in and look at your family’s history and your own history and see if these are popping up. And it’s a way to be proactive.
So the thing to understand is that about 50% of the population carries genes, which impede their ability to do this methylation thing correctly. Half of our population is at risk for having poor methylation. Now that’s just on the genetic level.
You can have poor methylation even if you have good genes. So where this affects us as far as diseases and conditions, cancer is a huge one, like I said. They’re able to replicate your DNA correctly without mistakes as it were. It’s really big for cancer as well as detoxification plays a role in cancer, so family history of cancer, family history of cardiovascular disease. Heart disease is one of the top pillars both in men and women. And methylation has a direct role in our ability to maintain a healthy heart and a healthy vasculature.
So personally, I think that it’s especially important in people who have heart disease or a history of heart disease where they would otherwise be considered pretty healthy or not at risk.
If you have a smoker who’s 100 lbs overweight, then it’s not super surprising that they’re going to have problems with their heart, but when you have the person who’s maybe within 20 lbs of their ideal weight and they exercise and they don’t smoke and they don’t abuse alcohol or recreational drugs and that person has heart disease, man, there’s got to be something else going on. So I think that the test can be very important there.
As well anyone with tongue-tie issues or who has midline defects, things like spina bifida. There are huge, huge implications for that. And I actually have a nephew with that condition.
The last two that I wanted to mention, one would be thyroid disease. I personally have hypothyroidism and a lot of immune condition there. So there’s a direct link between thyroid disease and the methylation gene, which we haven’t named so far. The methylation gene is MTHFR and there’s a direct relationship there between being hypothyroid. Sometimes the state of not being sufficient with your thyroid and that gene, you’re having extra problems.
So anyone with hypothyroidism should consider this because they have the potential through their hypothyroidism to struggle even more with their methylation. In other words, it’s their – I’m struggling for words, but it’s compounded. That’s what I’m looking for. Hypothyroidism will compound methylation issues.
And then the last would be anyone who is extra sensitive. There is a person who can’t walk down the aisle at the laundry or at the grocery store without getting a headache. Every time they’re taking a medication, they get all the side effects. They’re very, very sensitive to medications, to smells, to their environment. That’s a real strong signal of impaired detoxification in their system. Their systems can’t keep up with normal levels of detoxification. When that’s present, it’s really important to look deeper and try and understand why.
And again, I would just go back to especially if they have already cleaned up their diet and lifestyle, and they have worked in their liver and those things. And it just seems like even though those things may have brought relief, they’re still not getting results. They’re still not able to really make a lot of progress with getting past their sensitivities. It could be very important for them to check this out.
Again, I just want to reiterate that the reason we’re learning all this is because it’s actionable information. And so when you work with a practitioner or if you want to spend hours and hours of understanding it yourself, you do gain that ability to implement changes primarily at a supplement level to help your body bypass the speed bumps and continue on and take the cogs out of that wheel and make everything spin as fast and as efficiently as it should.
Lydia: It’s pretty amazing. And a lot of people really fall into this, at least the people that I’m working with. So this is great. This is very useful to help people understand why this test could be so valuable.
Now, the test itself is inexpensive. I think the current price is $199. It’s not a test you ever have to purchase ever again. It’s a one-time deal. So finding this out isn’t something that’s an ongoing process. It’s a one-time expense, getting some help maybe interpreting it further. It’s something that many people will need if they cannot understand the raw data through these other companies, which I think maybe now we should talk about because I’m not sure if you spelled that part out quite fully yet.
So now that people are aware how this can benefit them, why it’s useful, what’s their next step if they want to go forward?
Jessica B: So if someone is interested in doing the test, they would go to the 23andMe.com website, purchase the kit set, which as you said is $199. They can mail the kit. They spit in the tube. They mail it back. Generally, I think they’re running about a four to six-week turnaround time.
So you get an email saying your results are ready. You log in, you download your file. So that process is probably going to take a couple of months just to give everybody a timeframe as well.
Once you get your raw data file, and this may be depending on what practitioner you’re working with, so I would definitely say, at this point, check with that practitioner to make sure you’re not going to spend money needlessly.
There are two main sites that I’m familiar with. There may be more, but the ones that I’m familiar with for interpreting that raw data, one would be LiveWellO.com and the other is MTHFRSupport.com. So both of these sites, for about 30 bucks, will take that raw data and give you that information ran through that template that I talked about.
Each site has their own pluses and minuses, their unique things that the other one doesn’t have. Most practitioners these days are asking their clients or their patients to run the data through one of those sites because they’re just some of the most effective for identifying divisions.
From there, you’re going to see, you’re going to be able to start to look at your genes and say which genes are normal and we call that wild type, which genes have one mutation or double mutation on the genes. So this is a point at which a lot of people start getting involved in Facebook groups or doing the reading online.
Hands down, my favorite resource on the web is MTHFR.net. That is Dr. Ben Lynch’s website. I consider him to be the premiere research on this whole topic. I’ve done his practitioner training. He’s just really, really brilliant. His background is in environmental medicine. He’s a naturopath. His undergrad is in research.
So I think he was the perfect person to take on this role that he’s done and bring you so much information. So information on his site, I consider to be excellent, very, very valuable.
There are some other websites that are great as well. Dr. Amy Yasko is definitely one of the head leaders in this field. She has very valuable information. Her book, I just want to say – I’m going to mess up the title, so maybe Jessica, you could look that up for us. I’m just not going to be able to recall it. But Dr. Amy Yasko’s work is fabulous.
And there’s also an interesting website called Heart Fixer. That’s a cardiovascular doctor who has done some research on this. His stuff is more basic. He doesn’t go very broad, but it’s very focused for the issues that he talks about.
For anyone who’s wanting to do their own research, it’s very important that you’re going to authority sources that are reputable to get your information.
I certainly hold space for the fact that there are many, many well-educated or just motivated and deciding to get a little educated consumers and patients out there. And so I never want to make anyone feel like they have to go to an expert to learn how to improve your health. These would be the ones I would recommend for someone who wants to go and learn more and take this on themselves.
That being said, I always think that working with a trained and qualified practitioner is a wonderful way to make sure, even if you’re doing a lot of the legwork yourself, that you have another set of eyes, keep your feet onto the ground. Keep your balance, making sure you’re not getting too side-tracked on one thing, and then you can say something else that would be really significant.
Lydia: Yeah. I agree with that as well.
Jessica E: I did look up real quick while you are talking. I think Feel Good Nutrigenomics.
Jessica B: Yes.
Jessica E: And then Feel Good Biochemistry.
Jessica B: Right. Thank you. So her resources are great, very, very good. Now, her protocols are a little bit, they’re very intense.
She uses really, really, really big supplement products, but her demographic is she’s working with primarily children in the autism spectrum. So obviously they have some pretty significant needs.
Sometimes, there’s that caveat up there that not everyone is going to need a super intense protocol with 30 different products that are all primed differently. For a lot of people, it’s really simple. It’s just changing out your B vitamins. And that’s all they need to do. Boom, they’re done.
Other people are going to require some deeper levels of healing. So she’s a great resource. I really appreciate her contribution to this area.
Lydia: I will say this though. Jessica tends to be very capable of simulating complicated information and not everybody is going to find Amy Yasko easy to comprehend.
Jessica B: Right. Right.
Lydia: As great as a resource, just know you may find your heads spinning a little. So that’s when we want to say, “Hey.” Here’s what I’m doing right now. I’ve actually asked a number of my clients to go ahead with this test because we are stumbling upon some things, and we want to just make sure that this is in an area that we can address through this test.
Thankfully, Jessica does consultations to go over this information. And so I am currently just referring people to get this consult done through you. So do you want to talk about that for a minute and just let people know how you work with them on this test?
Jessica B: Sure. So it ties to what I’ve already talked about today as far as diets, lifestyle and so forth. And so when I am working with someone and they send me their copies of their DNA reports, they give me access to their profile and I have them do a full intake process.
If you worked with a holistic practitioner or a naturopath or a nutritionist or something like that, you’re probably familiar with what that intake process looks like – a really detailed health history, a food journal and symptoms evaluation. And the reason is we’re not experiencing our genes in this void.
What I want to do is really help identify where these genetic issues are actually showing up for you because you can have a genetic SNP or in layman’s terms, a defect – the technical term is the single nucleotide polymorphism, abbreviated as SNP – you can have this bum gene, but it’s not for not. It’s not expecting and ultimately it’s not really showing up in your life. And so what we want to do is we want to combine your genetic report with your actual history and experience and use these things together to come up with a plan for what you need.
I’ve seen some practitioners using software to do this. There’s a place for software, but what I’ve seen with the software-based approach is that the software simply looks at, “You have this gene. Here’s a supplement for your gene.” And so people come away with 15 to 30 supplements based on their genes. I just don’t think that that’s necessary for most people.
And so what I do is I try to look at the entire pathway of how things are working and I look at how many speed bumps do you have in a particular pathway and how much those speed bumps affect functions. And we go and we try and tweak things so that we’re giving the fewest things that can do the most work. I try and make all of my nutrients that I am recommending multi-taskers and the ones that can do the most for you.
When someone works with me, we start with doing that intake process. Then I explain the big picture about the genes or some of the information that I have talked about today. And then I go through their genes with them. And I give them a draft that is this methylation pathway and I show them the graph where they have genes that are potential problems and we look at it together.
“Maybe this one pathway needed this one last gear in the watch. It looks pretty good. But maybe this other one, you got 10 problems here. So that one is probably one that we’re going to prioritize to make sure it’s working really effectively for you.”
We also look at things like blood work with this because there are markers on the standard blood work that are often overlooked by doctors who are waiting for something to get out of range before they want to do any addressing with it. So just the CBC or the homocysteine levels, we’ll look at blood work in those too because ultimately I work to support my client, not to support the product.
So at the end of the consult with me, someone’s going to have a supplement recommendations list and a written explanation of their genetic findings and what nutrients are co-factors for those enzymes to work well and have a plan as part of what I would recommend for first steps, for getting started.
For some people, that’s how we do it. They got the information and they go on their way. Other people begin an ongoing relationship as we may come back in a few months and we assess and do some more fine-tuning. So I’m just here to serve whatever is going to meet their needs and meet their goals. That’s pretty much how I work.
Lydia: Fantastic. That’s great. Thank you so much for sharing that part. I know that’s at least going to be helpful for many people to know there’s a resource. I know not everyone’s doctor or practitioner is up on this information and so it’s good to be able to give them this opportunity.
Jessica B: And just to mention that you’re correct, that’s one of the reasons why I put together this written report for people so they can take that to their doctor if they desire to do that and if they have that relationship. That’s what they do. The people who I worked with so far who has done that, their doctors are fascinated with it.
I think sometimes in a holistic world, in our world, doctors can get a bit of a bad rap at times because we’re looking at things that they are not looking at. But I think it’s important to realize that most doctors went into their field because they’re very smart, they get to the scientific industry and they want to help people. And so this is pretty cool. And those doctors who have come across it, in my experience, think that it’s valuable and think that it’s fascinating even though they maybe haven’t studied it yet.
Lydia: Yeah. And I have met a few doctors who are taking a more holistic approach and learning this information. So this is good news that this is becoming more common. It’s hard to find, but I think it’s going to start becoming more common to be able to find somebody.
But in the meantime, if you want to go outside of your doctor just to get this information and then you utilize it, this is a great option to you. So it’s great to have that.
Jessica B: Absolutely.
Jessica E: Yeah, I think it’s really important information especially for those people who maybe have gotten to a certain level, but they’re not just progressing any further in their healing.
So you did a great job of explaining everything in a very neat package to where some people like me can actually understand it.
Jessica B: Yeah.
Jessica E: So I appreciate that.
Lydia: That’s nice.
Jessica B: Oh, thank you. For me, it’s really fun, but I’m weird and I’m a geek. I was just driving to California over Thanksgiving holiday a while back and re-listening to 20 hours of lectures on this that I already have a certification. I was just re-listening to it for fun driving to California with my kids because like you said, it is so complex. It is so precautious. There’s just so much information that I certainly can’t retain at all the first time through. I think this is my third time through the material.
And I’m always learning new things and I’m blessed to be able to bring these nuggets to my work.
Lydia: Definitely.
Jessica E: Awesome. I think we are actually planning on doing a follow-up episode with you in the next couple of months. I think we have another schedule for March. What we’re going to dive into more of the specific health conditions that can maybe have some light shed on with the genetic testing.
But in the interim, how can people get in touch with you? We’ll have all of your information in the blog post and everything, but just in case somebody is listening to this on their phone and not on their blog, how can they get in touch with you and maybe learn more?
Jessica B: Yeah. My website is SimpleStepsNutrition.com. So people can go to my website. They can walk around there and learn about me and my background.
I have an online calendar there and I do offer a complementary 20-minute discovery call where it’s just an opportunity for people to learn about my philosophy. I’ll maybe hear about their health goals and concerns and as to evaluate together if we would be a good fit.
So if someone is interested in scheduling that and talking to me about getting the testing done and working together, feel free to take advantage of that. I would love to talk to you and see if I can help you with getting your health even more on top.
Jessica E: Awesome. So Lydia, do you have anything else that you want to talk about today or should we go ahead and wrap it up?
Lydia: I think that’s great. I think we’ve covered a good foundation here today. And if anyone does listen to this podcast and has questions that you might want to hear addressed in our future podcasts, please leave them below in the comment section and let us know, and we love to try to address them if we can.
Jessica E: Awesome, absolutely. So Jessica, thank you for taking the time out of your schedule to talk with us today. And I think Lydia and I are both really looking forward to the second episode that we’re going to do with you and dive into this a little bit more. And actually by then, I may already have some of my testing done and maybe have some information too where I can contribute a little bit more to the discussion.
Jessica B: Great.
Jessica E: Right now, I’m just taking everything. Awesome.
Jessica B: I look forward to being back and thanks for having me.
Jessica E: Absolutely. We’re going to go ahead and wrap it up today. But as always, let us know if you have any questions and we will be back again next week. Have a great day everyone.
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