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Today, Lydia and I are joined by Brian Hoyer to discuss the basics of EMFs and how we can protect ourselves and our families from this form of radiation that is negatively impacting our health.
Brian is a Certified Nutritional Therapy Practitioner (via NTA) and a certified Geobiologist trained by Geovital Academy, a 35-year running naturopathic clinic in Austria that specializes in Radiation Protection and Environmental Medicine. Brian has completed courses in advanced clinical nutrition assessment techniques, Autonomic Response Testing with the Klinghardt Academy (levels 1,2,3), and hundreds of hours of continuing education in nutrition.
In today’s episode, we talk about the basics of EMFs, what they are and how they are. We also cover the health impact of this form of radiation, as well as the symptoms of exposure and how they can harm our health. We wrap up with some practical tips for how you can start protecting your health now, as well as a free gift from Brian for podcast readers.
Missed previous episodes? You can find them all here.
Links From This Week’s Episode:
- EMF Podcast Gift
- The BioInitiative Report
- GeoVital
- Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt EMF / Autism Research
- Brian’s Site
- Brian’s Free Gift for Readers
- Health Assessment with Lydia
- Hair Analysis with Lydia
- Information about HTMA and Minerals
- How to Create a Game Plan to Keep Your Whole Family Healthy
Listen to The Vibrant Health Podcast :: Episode 39
Read The Vibrant Health Podcast Show Notes :: Episode 39
Intro to EMFs Show Notes
Make sure you check out the Links from the Episode section for lots more information on today’s topic.
Today, Lydia and I are joined by Brian Hoyer to discuss the basics of EMFs and how we can protect ourselves and our families from this form of radiation that is negatively impacting our health.
Brian is a Certified Nutritional Therapy Practitioner (via NTA) and a certified Geobiologist trained by Geovital Academy, a 35-year running naturopathic clinic in Austria that specializes in Radiation Protection and Environmental Medicine. Brian has completed courses in advanced clinical nutrition assessment techniques, Autonomic Response Testing with the Klinghardt Academy (levels 1,2,3), and hundreds of hours of continuing education in nutrition.
He currently practices in California and travels up the coast to Washington state often. He also organizes healing and educational retreats annually in Hawaii. He lives with his wife, Lindsey, and their three daughters. They are currently in California but are in the process of building a shielded tiny house on wheels and searching for property to call home on the west coast.
Make sure you read down to the bottom because Brian has a special gift for our listeners!
Introduction to Electromagnetic Fields (EMFs)
Electromagnetic fields (EMFs) and electromagnetic radiation (EMR) can have dramatic impacts on our health. This involves everything from radio, microwaves, infrared light, gamma rays, and more. What we want to focus on is the radiation that comes from these electronic devices and wi-fi (cell phones, computers, etc.) as well as our electricity in our homes, the power lines outside, etc.
Studies show that there are biological effects from these fields and there is now concern about the long-term health issues with these fields. And, what are we now seeing from these fields since they have become more prevalent?
Health Effects of EMFs
What are some examples of the health effects from EMR (electromagnetic radiation)?
Understanding EMFs requires a little knowledge of minerals. All minerals have an electrical current and these currents can be affected by external sources. What is most concerning is that our body has a certain voltage that it’s supposed to have and these EMFs are interfering with that.
So we have to be concerned about what the effects of EMFs can be on our body when the voltages interfere with cellular growth. The EMFs can be impacted by the metal in our homes (even our bed springs) as well and can amplify their effects.
Most people have 1,000 volts running through their body when they are lying in bed. What impact is this having on our cells?
Thinking of EMR as an environmental foundation for any type of healing. Symptoms and health issues from electromagnetic radiation exposure can include:
- Mineral imbalance
- Tinnitus
- Autism (review Dr. Klinghardt’s info here)
- Cardiovascular issues
- Low sperm counts
- Infertility / miscarriages
- Leaky gut
- Leaky blood/brain barrier
- And more
Brian feels (as do other practitioners) that it is going to be hard to heal chronic illness, especially autoimmune issues (that has a leaky gut component) if EMFs are not addressed. Sleep is critical to healing so everything we can do to improve that is going to be important.
What Can We do About EMFs?
It’s going to be impossible to avoid all EMFs. It’s all around us, no matter where we go. It can be very overwhelming for a lot of people, but there are some solutions that you can implement that helps and will ultimately help with your own healing as well.
Brian likes to discuss EMFs first and foremost when working with his clients. He has found that it has a dramatic impact on their overall health now, as well as healing as they move forward.
The BioInitiative website has thousands and thousands pieces of research that shows the effects of these types of radiation.
What are the best solutions for permanently addressing the manmade EMF radiation issue?
Minimizing exposure especially at night because this is the most crucial time for our body to detoxify and heal. If it’s being bombarded by radiation, this natural process is impaired. Radiation especially interferes with melatonin production. If you do nothing else, focusing on reducing exposure at night can go a long way to help.
Geovital Academy has verifiable solutions and is where Brian likes to look for solutions for EMF management. Some of the easy first steps you can take right now to reduce exposure in your home at night include:
- Turn off wi-fi at night
- Turn off cordless phones
- Turn off cell phones
- Turn off computers
- Unplug everything in your bedroom if at all possible
- Spring mattresses can be an antenna for high and low frequencies, so when you are in need of a new mattress consider one that doesn’t have springs
Brian’s list of importance:
Focusing on the lower electric fields in the walls. Anything that is plugged in has an electric field. The field can go out 2-3 feet. If your body is in that field, then it acts like a big piece of metal (since the human body is conductive).
Have the electricity in the walls cut off or grounded. To do this, you can use a shielding paint and having a grounding strip placed around your whole room. This will protect your room from the electric fields in your wall.
But, anything that is plugged in will mean that you are bringing the fields back into the room. Testing is really important for those who really want to understand what is going on within their room and their homes.
Higher fields are things like cell phones, wi-fi, etc.
There are lots of gadgets out there (like stickers, grounding pads, protective clothing, etc.), but it’s important to understand that there may be limitations with all of these. This is where getting some testing done and working with a professional may be helpful.
Looking on the Geovital Academy website is a great place to get started with your research, as well as finding professionals who can help you assess the radiation in your home and offer some solutions to help.
Also, reducing your exposure to EMFs before bed. Blue and green spectrums of light suppress melatonin production. So many of us spend time watching TV, working on the computer, or looking at our cell phones in the hours up to bed.
These activities suppress melatonin production AND expose you to EMR that can impact your sleep and your overall health. Try to reduce electronics for 2 hours before bed.
Gift for Listeners!
Podcast gift to listeners (A small guide on nutrients you can use to mitigate the effects of EMR in the body). Click here to learn more.
Brian also has services he offers for home health consults as well as consults for health care professionals who want to create radiation free healing spaces where they spend a lot of time and do healing work with their clients. You can learn more about Brian and the services he offers on his practice website here.
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