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This week, Lydia and I were thrilled to welcome our friend Nanci Tunley back on the show. You may remember Nanci from episode #21 where we really dove deep into the importance of a woman’s self-care.
Nanci is a nutritional therapist and a heart-centered transformational coach. Teaching women to take care of themselves first is one of her primary goals in her practice, and she loves to see true transformation happen with her clients. She is a big advocate of digging deep into what really is holding you back from stepping into the life you want. Which is actually want we are going to be talking about today!
We hear the typical, “What’s stopping you?” message all the time. But have you ever stopped to consider who, instead of what, is stopping you?
When it comes to creating a life you love, YOU are the one who is responsible for it. You are responsible for your happiness, your success, your failures, and everything that goes on in your life. It’s up to you to choose HOW you want to experience life.
Missed previous episodes? You can find them all here.
Links From This Week’s Episode:
- Revive + Thrive Nutritional Therapy and Wellness with Nanci Tunley
- Nanci’s Self-Care Challenge (FREE program)
- Jessica’s Stress Management and Mindfulness Article Database
- Jessica’s Vibrant Living Practice Website (covering mindset, personal growth and development, personal stories of healing and transformation, and more)
- Health Assessment with Lydia
- Hair Analysis with Lydia
- Information about HTMA and Minerals
- How to Create a Game Plan to Keep Your Whole Family Healthy
Listen to The Vibrant Health Podcast :: Episode 40
Read The Vibrant Health Podcast Show Notes :: Episode 40
Who’s Stopping YOU Show Notes
Make sure you check out the Links from the Episode section for lots more information on today’s topic.
This week, Lydia and I were thrilled to welcome our friend Nanci Tunley back on the show. You may remember Nanci from episode #21 where we really dove deep into the importance of a woman’s self-care.
Nanci is a nutritional therapist and a heart-centered transformational coach. Teaching women to take care of themselves first is one of her primary goals in her practice and she loves to see true transformation happen with her clients. She is a big advocate of digging deep into what really is holding you back from stepping into the life you want. Which is actually want we are going to be talking about today!
What’s Stopping You, or Rather, WHO’S Stopping You?
We hear the typical “What’s stopping you?” message all the time. But have you ever stopped to consider who, instead of what, is stopping you?
It’s not something that most people have taken the time to ask themselves. We hope that today’s episode will offer some inspiration and some peace to those who may feel stuck or feel as though they are struggling to move forward or implement the changes that they truly desire. Nanci, Lydia, and I open up about some of our personal struggles and how making the choice to put our needs first has opened up a whole new world for ourselves and the people who surround me.
When it comes to creating a life you love, YOU are the one who is responsible for it. You are responsible for your happiness, your success, your failures, and everything that goes on in your life. It’s up to you to choose HOW you want to experience life.
If you don’t believe this then ask yourself WHO IS responsible if it’s not you?
Ultimately, everything boils down to our own personal responsibility.
This can be a hard thing to hear and feel for some people. Yes, there are going to be tough times and rocky roads to travel. But, our own limiting beliefs can often hold us back from even starting our journey, or they may make our journey even more difficult because of how we choose to view things that happen to use throughout our lives.
Another issue that can impact our ability to move forward is who we are surrounding ourselves with. You are the average of the five people you spend the most amount of time with. Are the people you are spending time with in alignment with your goals and/or the truth of who you are? If they aren’t, then think of a couple people who are and connect but it starts with you!
Boundaries are crucial and must come from within. Disappointing others can come with the territory. If you aren’t willing to say YES to you, then that’s the #1 worst habit you can have. No habit beneath that will be worth working on if you are not willing to choose the best and divine version of you.
If the sentence starts with “I should……..” then take a double and triple look at it!
What if the ones that are stopping you are your own family? An important point here: When it comes to families, there can be a lot of subconscious influence. For example, we often hold our families beliefs dear and out of love and still protect them even if we don’t believe the same thing anymore.
Or, we find ourselves fulfilling our parent’s expectations vs our purpose.
Or, we simply are afraid to outshine (***Fill in the blank***)
As always, we pre-suppose the worst will happen if we tell the truth and invite what we want. Perhaps we will lose certain people or become unloveable? Or, we just won’t know who we are.
This is simply human nature and not true. It starts back with personal responsibility and the knowing that everyone has been in your life and is in your life for a reason and has served a purpose. Deep appreciation for the what has been learned through the interaction is also key for growth and learning, which is what we are all here to do.
The more we live in our truth and honor our desires, the more we attract people that are in alignment with the life we want to lead.
The more we live in our truth and honor our desires, the more we inspire others and invest in our planet and world. It’s an automatic invitation for others to honor their desires too.
Letting the magic unfold when we say yes to ourselves. It’s OK to ask people to give you the space and support you need to make the changes you truly want. Sometimes you simply need room to grow.
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