Tag: snacks
FTC Disclosure: Delicious Obsessions may receive comissions from purchases made through links in this article. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.Read our full terms and conditions here. These almond butter protein snacks were developed for my dear husband. He loves protein bars. I, however, do not love them because they are full of...
This recipe was developed after I stumbled across a recipe on Elana’s Pantry. I was looking for something different to make as a mid-afternoon pick-me-up and these hit the spot! They are really soft, so make sure you keep them refrigerated or frozen until you want to eat them. They are similar to the LaraBars that you can find...
Potatoes. Stuffed with cheese. And bacon. And onions. And topped with sour cream. Umm, is there anything more delicious? I rarely eat white potatoes, but when I do, these potato skins are my treat of choice. Potato skins are the perfect party finger food or movie night indulgence. This recipe can easily be doubled, tripled...
These maple coconut bars with coconut oil are the perfect little treat when you want something sweet (but not too sweet), and you want it to be good for you too! I developed this recipe after I tried a coconut bar made by Oskri Organics. Their bars are really tasty, but I didn’t like the...
It’s pumpkin carving time, so don’t forget to save those seeds! Squash is a very versatile food that can be used in a variety of recipes (there will be more winter squash recipes coming soon!). One thing to keep in mind when preparing squash is that the seeds can also be saved and prepared. All...