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Meet your protein goals with this easy hardboiled egg pudding! Don’t let the hardboiled eggs throw you like it did me. This pudding is rich, creamy, smooth, and dreamy. Filled with protein to keep you satiated and that sweet tooth curbed.

When I first heard that you could make pudding with hard-boiled eggs, I was pretty skeptical. Actually, I was kind of disgusted initially, which is weird, because I love pudding and have even shared my favorite easy creamy chocolate pudding recipe and my easy dairy-free vanilla creme pudding recipe on this site. And I also really like hardboiled eggs. But something about making pudding with hardboiled eggs sounded wrong.

Just plain wrong.

Fast forward almost two years and I started to get my feet back under me after a horribly stressful 2022 (well, the first half of 2023 has been incredibly stressful too). Part of getting my feet back under me was prioritizing protein (and this easy hardboiled egg pudding helps me hit my goals). I hit 41 in 2022 and along with that birthday, I got hit with the realization that I really needed to get back on track with my health and make some changes.

On a side note, I don’t know who invented the very first hardboiled egg pudding, but apparently Maria Emmerich was the original inventor of it. And now you can find a variety of recipes online for pudding made with hardboiled eggs, scrambled eggs, soft-boiled eggs, egg powders… you name it, I guess you can make a pudding out of it. Personally, I feel like my classic puddings (mentioned above) and this hardboiled egg one are as far as I’m going to go with it…

Easiest Hardboiled Egg Pudding :: Gluten-Free, Grain-Free, Dairy-Free, Sugar Free // deliciousobsessions.com

Why Focusing on Muscle Mass and Strength Matters

One of the big things I wanted to focus on was strength training and building muscle. Inactive women can lose muscle mass and strength once they reach their 30s or 40s and then it speeds up even more once you get to 60. As women in their 40s head into perimenopause hormone levels shift and that can play a role in decreased mass and strength if you’re not actively focusing on keeping it.

Muscle mass loss (also called sarcopenia) can lead to some serious problems as you age. I recently heard a statistic on a podcast that 50% of women who experience a fall at 65+ will never walk again (I didn’t vet that stat, so it might not be accurate, but if it is, that’s scary!). The Cleveland Clinic has a good article on the topic if you’re interested in learning more.

Love/Hate Relationship with Exercise

I have never really loved exercise. I always wanted to be that person who loved it, but I’m just not. I see all the fitness gurus on Instagram and always think, “dang, I wish I loved exercise the way they do.” I never liked going to the gym and I grew up with the “excessive cardio is required for good health mentality.

And I really, really don’t like cardio.

Like running. I HATE running.

But then there is weight lifting. Lifting heavy things is actually something that I have found that I love.

I think my love of strength training started during my senior year in high school. I had to have a PE credit to graduate and I could choose between regular PE class and weight lifting. I chose weightlifting and I think it was then that I started realizing that being strong could be awesome. It was a co-ed class so it was kinda fun to have competitions with the guys and see some of us girls hold our own.

Learning to Love Strength Training

Throughout my adult life, I have been way more into strength training than cardio. I can build and maintain muscle pretty easily if I stay consistent and keep my nutrition in check. While I was regularly strength training before and during pregnancy, once our baby boy arrived in 2020, I just fell off the exercise wagon. We had such a rough start that all I could do was keep my head above water. And even when things calmed down, I just constantly felt exhausted and overwhelmed and couldn’t think about exercise.

But I also know that my body just works better when I am exercising regularly. When I exercise regularly, my moods are much more stable, I’m happier, I have more energy, and it’s easier for me to keep a more positive outlook on life. So as I came up to age 41, I realized that I needed to get back to it. I invested in a training program called Dynamic Dumbells from Steph Gaudreau (another awesome veteran in the natural health/real food world) and got to work. I’m not an affiliate for her, I just love her work and her program is excellent. 

I was consistent with it for two months and was building really good muscle. I was leaning out, my body looked and felt better, and my strength was improving. I was moving up in weight every couple of weeks, which felt super motivating and inspiring. Then in mid-February, my personal life hit the skids and now it’s the end of June and I feel like I am finally getting myself back to a place where I can get back to it again. 

I made the decision to start focusing on movement for 15 minutes a day. If I can’t carve out 15 minutes then I really need to readjust some things. And I know myself so well that I know if I can go 15 minutes then I am likely to go longer too. So far I’ve stuck with it for the last two weeks and I am feeling better each day.

Easiest Hardboiled Egg Pudding :: Gluten-Free, Grain-Free, Dairy-Free, Sugar Free // deliciousobsessions.com

You Can’t Build Muscle Without Adequate Protein

One thing that goes hand-in-hand with building strength and muscle mass is also getting enough protein every day. This is something I have NOT been good at these last few stressful, overwhelming months…

Part of building and maintaining good muscle mass is PROTEIN! Women way, way, WAY undereat protein. Due to my eating disorder background, I don’t like tracking my food. However, every so often I will track, just to see where I’m at. I typically am way overeating carbs and fat and way undereating protein. Those times when I have tracked my macros, it’s been eye-opening to see how much I fall below what I should be consuming. I just tracked it the other day and was 100 grams short of where I needed to be… I knew I needed to start whipping up batches of this easy hardboiled egg pudding again posthaste!

What You Need to Know About Protein as a Woman

When it comes to protein, here are some basics that you need to know as a woman, especially if you are 40+:

  1. If you have weight to lose, your BFFs are going to be protein and fat. When you begin prioritizing these foods at each meal, you WILL start to feel satiated and full. Cravings will go away, I promise. As one who has struggled with BED (binge eating disorder) for most of my life, I can attest to diminished and even non-existent cravings when I am properly nourished with protein and fat. But the second I let too many carbs creep in, the cravings start all over again. Please note that there is a HUGE mental/emotional aspect to this as well, but that is far too much to talk about in this post.
  2. Even if you are at your ideal weight, you still need adequate protein. Don’t skimp!!!
  3. Women especially WAY undereat in the protein department and we need a lot more than we have been told.
  4. The general recommendation by most holistic practitioners and doctors I follow is 0.8 to 1 gram per pound of ideal body weight (not current weight, but your goal/ideal weight). So for example, if your ideal body weight is 150 pounds, your protein intake should be 120-150 grams per day.
  5. The type of protein matters! Ideally, you are focusing on animal proteins. Plant proteins are just not that great for us, are harder to digest, have anti-nutrients/plant toxins, and don’t have easily bioavailable nutrients (due to the plant toxins). So don’t slam downloads of pea protein or soy (read this article) and expect good results long term. This easy hardboiled egg protein pudding checks all the boxes! 
  6. Don’t fear the protein. Unless you have some serious medical condition, the protein guidelines above are going to be safe. There’s been a lot of fear-mongering about protein harming the body, but most of it is simply not true when you’re eating normal amounts as outlined in the 0.8-1 gram per pound of ideal body weight ratios. Some coaches/practitioners like to recommend higher than that. Going higher than 0.8-1 gram per pound of ideal body weight could possibly cause issues for some (but it’s pretty rare). If you feel you need guidance on what the best ratio is for you, then it’s best to work with a knowledgeable doctor, practitioner, or coach.

Easiest Hardboiled Egg Pudding :: Gluten-Free, Grain-Free, Dairy-Free, Sugar Free // deliciousobsessions.com

Giving Easy Hardboiled Egg Pudding a Try

This is where this amazing chocolate pudding comes into play! Even armed with the knowledge that I have gained about the importance of protein, I find it really hard to keep up with my intake many days. I needed a little something extra that I could easily use to get my numbers up when I am falling short.

As I mentioned at the first of this article, I was skeptical (and frankly a little grossed out) at the thought of hardboiled egg pudding. But I put my skepticism aside and threw all of the ingredients in our Nutribullet and held my breath. The first taste was pretty good, but it tasted overwhelmingly eggy. So I wasn’t sure if it was going to be a keeper or not. I portioned it up and stuck it in the fridge.

The next morning I decided to have some with my breakfast and I was expecting it to taste eggy. It didn’t! Not eggy at all. As a matter of fact, I couldn’t taste eggs in it at all which was crazy weird! And now here we are with me making it almost weekly to keep me full and satiated. 

Easy Hardboiled Egg Pudding Notes

This pudding is so easy and FAIL PROOF! No slaving over a stove, tempering eggs, having your eggs curdle in the pudding, burning your pudding, etc. It’s as easy as 1, 2, 3.

As mentioned above, when it’s first made, it seems to be extra eggy tasting and smelling. Not super appealing to me so I have found that portioning it up and storing it in the fridge overnight gets rid of all that overly strong egg taste and smell. The next day I don’t notice any egg smell at all.

Eggs have a decent amount of protein in them at 6 grams per egg. But that’s not enough for me to meet my goals, so I always use a grass-fed beef protein powder. I can’t tolerate dairy-based proteins like whey and like I mentioned above, I am not a fan of plant-based protein sources. Animal-based protein is ALWAYS going to be superior. The only two brands that I love are Equip Brand Prime Protein Powder (use coupon code DELICIOUS for 15% OFF your order) or  Be Well by Kelly Grass-Fed Beef Protein Powder (use code DELICIOUS5 for $5 off your order).

I have been using our Nutribullet to make mine which gets it crazy creamy in no time. But use whatever blender you have. Just blend it until it’s super smooth and creamy. 

If you don’t like chocolate or can’t tolerate it, then you can omit the cocoa powder or chocolate protein and just leave it plain. You could add extra vanilla or other flavorings that you like. I personally love chocolate though and enjoy some as a treat in this pudding.

If you can tolerate dairy, you can also use regular milk, cream, or half-and-half for this recipe. 

Feel free to top it with whatever you like. Whipped cream, fresh fruit, chopped chocolate, sugar-free caramel sauce

And without further adieu, let’s make some easy hardboiled egg pudding! Here’s to upping our protein, building muscle, and improving our health as women!

Easiest Hardboiled Egg Pudding :: Gluten-Free, Grain-Free, Dairy-Free, Sugar Free // deliciousobsessions.com

Easiest Hardboiled Egg Pudding :: Gluten-Free, Grain-Free, Dairy-Free, Sugar Free // deliciousobsessions.com

Easiest Hardboiled Egg Pudding :: Gluten-Free, Grain-Free, Dairy-Free, Refined Sugar Free

Yield: 4
Prep Time: 5 minutes
Additional Time: 8 minutes
Total Time: 13 minutes

Meet your protein goals with the easiest hardboiled egg pudding you'll ever make! Don't let the hardboiled eggs throw you like it did me. This pudding is rich, creamy, smooth, and dreamy. Filled with protein to keep you satiated and that sweet tooth curbed.


  • 3 hard-boiled eggs
  • 2-3 scoops beef protein powder (I like Equip Prime Protein and Be Well by Kelly Grass-Fed Beef Protein -- see notes section below for more info and coupon codes)
  • 1 can (13.5oz) full-fat coconut milk, or milk of your choice
  • 1/4 cup cocoa or cacao powder
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • sweetener of your choice (optional, I tend to add a few drops of stevia or nothing at all)


  1. Boil your eggs and let cool completely. I almost always have hardboiled eggs on hand. Highly recommend making a big batch each week and using for a variety of recipes.
  2. Place all of the ingredients in your Nutribullet or blender and blend until smooth.
  3. Portion into cups and store in the fridge overnight. This will eliminate the eggy smell and taste that it has when it's freshly made.
  4. Enjoy within 4 days.


Eggs have a decent amount of protein in them at 6 grams per egg. But that's not enough for me to meet my goals, so I always use a grass-fed beef protein powder. I can't tolerate dairy-based proteins like whey and like I mentioned in the article above, I am not a fan of plant-based protein sources. Animal-based protein is ALWAYS going to be superior. The only two brands that I love are Equip Brand Prime Protein Powder (use coupon code DELICIOUS for 15% OFF your order) or  Be Well by Kelly Grass-Fed Beef Protein Powder (use code DELICIOUS5 for $5 off your order).

Download Your FREE Copy of Deliciously Decadent Desserts // DeliciousObsessions.com

Have food sensitivities or allergies? Missing out on delicious treats?
Well, now you don’t have to any longer!

Hi! My name is Jessica and I have a major sweet tooth! I also have multiple food sensitivities that include gluten and dairy and my body doesn’t do well with any form of refined sugar. 

What’s a girl to do?

Well, I could go to my local Natural Grocers and find a lot of healthier treat options, but even then, many of them tote a hefty price tag or still include ingredients that don’t work so well for my body. So, I decided to head into my kitchen and start creating my own delicious treats at home. That way I can control the ingredients and customize everything to my own individual needs.

And today, I am excited to share my newest eBook, Deliciously Decadent Desserts, with you! This eBook is available exclusively to my newsletter subscribers and features never-bef0re-published recipes. This book includes some of my all-time favorite recipes and you can download your copy below for FREE!

Download Your FREE Copy of Deliciously Decadent Desserts // DeliciousObsessions.com

Recipes include my beloved Homemade Thin Mints AND my Thin Mint Sandwiches Cookies (among others!). If you love Girl Scout cookies, but the ingredients don’t love you, have no fear! These two recipes alone will knock your socks off!

Regardless of whether you are gluten, grain, dairy, or refined sugar free (or a combo of all), now you can have your treats and eat them too! I can guarantee the whole family will swoon for the recipes in this new eBook.

Download your copy today using the form below! If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out and ask!


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