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{Note from Jessica: Today’s post is shared by my dear friend Kelly Matsudaira. Kelly is passionate about personal development and reflection on life and often pops in to share words of wisdom! I hope you enjoy today’s article!}
by Kelly Matsudaira
Spring is in the air, which means we are full force into this beautiful blooming season. And with this time of year comes spring cleaning.
You will see many people cleaning out their basements, attics, houses and garages. But one of the most important things you should tidy up is yourself.
No one can turn back the clock and undo things, but you can start fresh and move forward with a clear head, a joyful heart and a lighten soul.
It’s important to take time for yourself, simplify your life and clear out all the clutter that is not working for you. There is no better time than now to get back your life and improve it.
10 Simple Ways to Spring Clean Your Life
1. Declutter your mind – With all the noise surrounding us every second of the day, it’s no wonder millions of people suffer from anxiety and panic disorders. It’s hard to shut the mind down, especially at night, with life coming at us so fast from all directions. But with practice, you can. Learn to sit in stillness and quiet the mind through meditation. There are tons of studies you can read about when it comes to the benefits of meditating.
2. Eat clean – Our bodies will definitely tell us when it’s not liking the food choices we make. Be kind to your body because it’s the only one you have and you need to take care of it. Try to cut out processed foods, sugar and any other toxic chemicals. Be more mindful with what you put into your system, and then see how your body reacts. You will feel so much better.
3. Reevaluate your personal goals – Now that it’s spring, we’re almost halfway through the year. It’s been a few months since you created your New Year’s Resolutions. How are your goals coming along? What is holding you back if you haven’t been working on them? Assess your situation and goals. If you aren’t having any problems, then keep going and identify what you are doing and why it’s working so well for future reference. If things aren’t going so well, then look at your plan-of-action and create a new strategy for yourself. If something isn’t working, find out why and try to improve it.
4. Get rid of old junk, clothes, toys, etc. – Along with decluttering your mind, declutter your closets and home. If you haven’t worn a clothing item in over a year, you probably don’t need it, so get rid of it. If you have old toys, equipment, appliances, or other household items you don’t use anymore, then toss them. Not only will you get more organized and free up more space in your home for newer things, you will also be helping those in need if you donate your old items to local charity organizations.
5. Pick up new hobbies – Life can get boring and stale, so you need to keep things interesting. If there is something you always wanted to learn or do, now is the time to test the waters of a new hobby. You can learn a new language, how to cook, how to sew or crochet, paint, make music…the possibilities are endless.
6. Let go of grudges and forgive – If you have been carrying around your heavy baggage for far too long, now is the time to let it go. Whether it’s another person or yourself, learn to forgive and forget. You can’t change the past but you can accept what happened and move on. When you leave the past in the past, you will become more grateful for what you have now in the present.
7. Clear your schedule – Making time for yourself is so critical. If you can’t take care of yourself, how can you expect to be on top of your game to take care of others? Start making time for yourself every day or at least once a week. You deserve to rest and relax once in a while. Curl up with a good book or movie, soak in a hot bubble bath, enjoy a glass of wine while listening to your favorite music, or bake up a storm with your favorite goodies in the kitchen.
8. Figure out your finances – Being mindful of your money will make life much easier. If you haven’t balanced your checkbook in a few months, then do so. You always want to make sure you know how much you have in your account(s). To help organize your finances, create a spreadsheet of all your expenses and your income so you can visually see what is coming in and what is going out. Take a moment to budget for future plans, create a strategy on how you are going to start a savings plan or research further on retirement plans.
9. Leave relationships that aren’t working for you anymore – If you know a relationship you are in is getting toxic and not working for you any longer, then it may be time to get out of it. If it’s professional, maybe it’s time to find a new job. If it’s a friendship, maybe that friend is no longer your true friend. If it’s romantic, maybe it’s time to find someone else who will love you for you. You never have to stay in a relationship that is unhealthy. There is always a choice and a door to walk through.
10. Take a break from social media – You don’t need to know what is going on every second of the day. It’s okay to go a day, two days or even a week or longer without getting on social media. Granted, I know it’s addicting, entertaining, dramatic, informative and educational, but time away from the computer is good for your health and your mind. A leading cause of depression these days is from social media. You don’t need to compare your life to others. You don’t need to get caught up in the dramatic stories and conversations.
By taking the time to spring clean your life, you are becoming the best version of you, loving yourself even more, and taking care of your mind, body and soul. You may learn new things about yourself that you never knew before and life’s possibilities will open even more for you.
Happy Cleaning!
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