Tag: paleo
FTC Disclosure: Delicious Obsessions may receive comissions from purchases made through links in this article. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.Read our full terms and conditions here. I have been using my slow cooker more and more this year. I just love being able to toss some ingredients in the pot and...
There are lots of paleo books out there. I have checked out most of them from the library, including Practical Paleo, by Diane Sanfilippo. However, when I got home from the library and started going through the book, I realized that this was one that I needed to own. I received a copy to review here on...
Paleo has been getting a lot of buzz lately. It is rapidly growing in popularity as an eating style, and many people are finding success following this form of eating. This fun infographic was shared with me recently, and I wanted to share it on here. What do you think of the Paleo diet? Do you follow...
With all the different eating styles out there, it’s hard not to get confused and overwhelmed. You’ve got traditional, paleo, primal, GAPS, etc. Well, thanks to this handy chart, I feel like I have a slightly better grasp on the paleo diet. I know there’s more that goes into it than this, but for those...
Hope everyone had a great week! It was busy for me, but my husband and I had a fun end to the week. We got to spend the night at the brand new Four Seasons in downtown Denver, courtesy of the travel management company I use for booking all the corporate travel at my employer. It was a welcome escape, even...