Category: Nutrition, HTMA, & Minerals
FTC Disclosure: Delicious Obsessions may receive comissions from purchases made through links in this article. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.Read our full terms and conditions here. {Note from Jessica: Today’s post is shared by my sweet friend Jess Kuh. Jess is a fellow real food lover with a passion for natural living,...
“Let food be thy medicine, and medicine be thy food.” Those are famous words from the ancient Greek physician Hippocrates, often called the father of Western medicine. He actually used to prescribe garlic to treat a variety of medical conditions. Well… modern science has recently confirmed many of these beneficial health effects. Here are 11...
Editor’s Note: This article was written by Kris Gunnars of Authority Nutrition and shared here with his permission. Make sure you stop by and check out his site. TONS of great info there. Since there is SO much misinformation out there regarding cooking oils (i.e. the garbage about saturated fats = bad, polyunsaturated fats = good), I felt it imperative to...