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~~~ UPDATE 8/17/15 ~~~
I no longer sell my herbal coffee blends and you can read why below. BUT, I did come up with a creative workaround and am happy to say that I now offer a comprehensive herbal coffee substitute guide that is complete with:
- Detailed information on why coffee and caffeine may be bad for your health, especially if you are dealing with chronic health issues like thyroid problems and adrenal fatigue.
- Tips and tricks for blending the perfect herbal coffees at home.
- Information on sourcing clean, nourishing ingredients.
- My proprietary formulas for the Clean Living and super popular Happy Liver blends, as well as the formulas for THREE more blends that were in development at the time we stopped selling the coffees.
- Delicious recipes so you can enjoy that coffee shop experience from the comfort of your own home.
- And much more!
Click here to learn more.
It is with a heavy heart that I write this blog post today.
The short story is that I have decided to close up shop on my herbal coffee substitute business.
It was hard for me to make the decision to close this portion of my business, but it is the best thing for me to do.
For the last couple months, I have been working with several FDA consultants to ensure that my products meet the all the FDA laws regarding labeling, marketing, etc. I was very excited to bring this product to a wider audience and grow this portion of my business and I had some incredible plans in the works for 2015 and beyond.
After much research, my consultants have determined that my products (especially the Happy Liver blend) fall into the “supplement” category and not the “food” category (which is what we initially thought they were).
I won’t get into all the nitty-gritty, but there’s a lot that goes into determining whether your products fall within a food category or a supplement category, especially when you are dealing with herbs where the distinction is not as clear cut as, say, chocolate chip cookies.
Because of this determination, there are additional legal requirements in order to comply with the FDA laws regarding supplements, as well as marketing hindrances in that a supplement cannot be marketed as a food.
After much deliberation with my advisers, contemplation within myself, and prayer for the wisdom to make the best decision for my business, I have decided that running a supplement company is not what I envision for my life and have decided that I will no longer pursue growing this portion of my business.
As my sweet friend Jennifer from Hybrid Rasta Mama said to me when I told her my decision:
“It’s sad that we live in a world where your herbal coffees can’t be classified as a food, but Velveeta can.”
I must say that it has taken me well over a month to come to this decision and make peace with it, as well as many tears shed, but I must do what my gut, my head, and my heart tell me is right for my business.
My herbal coffee substitute shop will be closing its doors effective August 1st, 2015 (or until I run out of inventory, whichever is sooner).
If you want to stock up now before it’s too late, then do it ASAP! We will not be re-filling our inventory, so what we have is what we have. These coffee substitutes will last for at least a year if you store them in the freezer.
At the request of our customers, we have added new bulk options, including 4 pound bulk options. All orders over $135 will receive FREE shipping too.
Order in my shop here.
I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your support and enthusiasm for my herbal coffee products over the last 7 months. It has been an amazing learning experience and one that I will never forget. The things I’ve learned will also be incredibly helpful as I move into the future and on to new ventures.
I have to remember that as one door closes, another one opens. This site will still be running, just as it has been since 2010, as my team and I strive to continue offering you the best information to help you on your wellness and natural living journey.
In addition, I already have some SUPER fun projects lined up on the horizon, so stay tuned for more info on that. I’d encourage you to make sure you’re signed up for my VIP newsletter so you don’t miss out on future announcements!
Sign up for my newsletter here.
Please do let me know if you have any questions at all and I once again thank you for everything you’ve done to support me to this point. All of your kind words, compliments, constructive feedback, etc. has been such a blessing and has helped me grow as a business owner and a person.
It has been an honor to serve you and I hope you will continue to walk with me as I move into the future, and accept new challenges and strive to serve my community even more!
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