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November has arrived! (where did this year go?)
The month of Thanksgiving (if you’re here in the U.S.). This is the time of year where gratitude seems to be the theme for life.
Some people participate in a “30 Days of Gratitude” challenge during November and this year, I am going to join in. There have been scientific studies that show that practicing gratitude improves health and I am always keen on new ways to improve health.
A few weeks ago, I wrote about gratitude and what it means to me in one of my exclusive, subscriber-only newsletters (not signed up? Click this link to take care of that!). I asked for people to respond and let me know what they were grateful for.
The response was overwhelming (in a good way!). Some people said they were already regularly practicing gratitude, keeping journals, etc. But many others responded and thanked me for the email — it has inspired them to make some positive changes in their lives to ensure they were expressing gratitude for every day that the were blessed with.
That made me happy. It’s the very reason I blog. To help inspire and motivate people to make positive changes in their lives.
I am Grateful for so Many Things.
Recently, I was given the opportunity to pursue my dreams and I am savoring each and every day. Through some very unexpected events in my life over the last year, I was able to quit my full-time 50 hour a week job. For the last two years, I have been working upwards of 80 hours a week and frankly, I am exhausted (my poor adrenals…).
I really never thought the day would come when I could leave my job, but when I was presented with the opportunity, I snatched it up. I was in the right place mentally to make the jump.
I’m not going to lie. It was a bit scary (still is), but I realized that there was more to life than slaving away in a job that no longer made me happy.
I want to live!!
I want to savor life. Enjoy every single moment.
And never, EVER take anything (or anyone) for granted.
I am more and more thankful every day for the blessings I have and I am learning to recognize and acknowledge all of the good things in my life.
That is why I am going to partake in the 30 Days of Gratitude challenge this month. Will you join me?
What do you do?
It’s simple.
All you need to do is take time each day in November to spend a moment reflecting on what you are grateful for.
You can write it in a journal, on a piece of paper, post in on Facebook, or call a loved one.
Just make a note of it and keep it.
I am personally going to write them on a piece of paper and keep it in a jar on my desk. That way I can randomly pull one throughout the year and remember all of the blessings in my life.