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I am continually encouraging my readers to shop at their local farmers markets whenever they can. But, one of the questions that I always get is “how do I find markets in my area?” Hard to shop at your local market if you don’t know where it is!
Here in Colorado, Vendor Hippo is a great resource for farmers markets. They have a directory of markets all over the state and there’s sure to be a market in your neighborhood.
If you live outside of Colorado, here are are some great resources to help you locate markets in your area:
USFA Agricultural Marketing Service Farmers Market Search
Local Harvest – They offer an interactive map that will list farms, farmers markets, restaurants, grocery stores and more
FarmersMarket.com – large state-by-state directory
Once you start shopping at your market, you’ll get to know your local farmers and food providers. It really brings about a sense of community that has been lost in our overly technical and processed world!