If you are getting ready to start solids with your little one, you may be feeling overwhelmed! I know I was. It was an emotional time for me as my baby stepped into a new chapter of their journey. But it was also stressful and overwhelming.

Not only are you introducing new foods and trying to encourage your baby to try new textures and flavors, but there are also the food allergens. Research shows that introducing allergens in small amounts, consistently from the start can help babies avoid food allergies in the future.

And on top of it, there were some nutritional supplements I wanted to add too. It was A LOT to keep track of, so after a little while of feeling like this, I knew there had to be an easier way. So I created one that worked for me and now I hope it can help you too!

Enter your info below and receive a FREE copy of my exclusive feeding baby guide, the BABY-LED WEANING MEAL PLANNER GUIDE!  In it, you’ll find inspiration for feeding your little one nutrient-dense foods, while keeping you organized and stress-free! Included in the guide is a ton of meal inspiration, as well as my printable meal planner and freezer inventory sheets. I created this guide for myself and now I want to share it with you. 

P.S. Even if you have older kids, this guide can help you stay organized with meal planning and tracking your food inventory! Grab your copy below!