- by Jessica Espinoza, CYT
I am one who LOVES sweets. I love cakes, cookies, candy, soda, and anything else that’s sweet. I don’t have a sweet tooth, I have sweet teeth … But, coming from a background where very little, if any, sugar was permitted growing up, I know that consuming a lot of sugar is not good for...
- by Jessica Espinoza, CYT
I love guacamole. As a matter of fact, I love all things avocado. They are one of my favorite fruits and I could eat them all day long! This super simple guacamole recipe is so easy to make. Whenever I can get ripe avocados, I whip up a batch of this and snack on it!. I love...
- by Jessica Espinoza, CYT
If the recent egg recall in August 2010 is not enough to stop you from buying commercial eggs, how about the fact that you would have to eat 4 commercial eggs to get the same nutrition that one pastured egg has? I am thankful that my parents are still nice enough to share their eggs with me. Their...
- by Jessica Espinoza, CYT
One of the most common questions that I get asked is how to eat healthy on a strict budget. Many people believe that eating healthy costs a fortune and that there’s no way they can do it on a shoestring budget. Well, that is simply not true! There are some easy ways to get real wholesome food, even if...