- by Jessica Espinoza, CYT
I just started on a cleanse today and I wanted to blog about it as I go along, not only to help myself, but to also help others out there who might be considering a cleanse of their own. The cleanse that I chose is called the Master Cleanse. Please note that this site is...
- by Jessica Espinoza, CYT
This is a Canadian article about how Queen Elizabeth drinks raw, unpasteurized milk, yet Canadians are not permitted to consume it. Canada’s regulation of raw milk seems to be worse that the US. At least here in the US, there are a variety of laws – in some states you can purchase at stores, some states you have...
- by Jessica Espinoza, CYT
Salt is one of those ingredients that doesn’t really get much thought. But, did you know that there are many interesting, and healthy, varieties of sea salt? Because there are so many different kinds, this article will focus on two specific varieties, black lava sea salt and red gold sea salt. I recently picked up...
- by Jessica Espinoza, CYT
Inspired by the hot oatmeal from Starbucks, I decided to make my own version of their dried fruit topping.  You can add this mixture to any hot or cold cereal. I like to toss this mixture into my hot oatmeal in the morning with a dollop of butter. If you let it sit for a...