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Herbs play an important role in my life and healing journey. I use herbs every single day, some for therapeutic purposes, some just because I like them and they taste good. I’m always experimenting with new herbs, researching things I don’t know, and staying open to seeing how herbs might continue to support my efforts to manage my chronic illnesses a little more effectively.
Chances are, you’re using herbs daily in your own life as well without even knowing it (and you’re probably using them a lot more than you realize). Things like cinnamon, ginger, rosemary, turmeric, black pepper, lavender, oregano…the list goes on and on. These are all powerful and easy-to-use herbs that can help support function in the body.
I started becoming interested in herbs back in 2012 (check out my full herbal library here). That was the “official” start of my healing journey and I became fascinated with a group of herbs called adaptogens (read my series of posts here). That is what sucked me into the world of herbs and I have never looked back.
The thing was though…
I was no clinical herbalist, nor did I have the desire to become one. I was easily intimidated when it came to herbs and herbal remedies and was afraid I’d do something “wrong”. Like combine the wrong herbs and end up dead.
(Yeah, I know. Highly unlikely, but that’s where my mind went as a beginner.)
I really felt like I could learn a little about herbs, but if I REALLY wanted to use herbs I would be required to work with a clinical herbalist. Turns out I was wrong because I stumbled across the folks at Learning Herbs and had my whole herbal world shifted.
Now, don’t get me wrong. I am a big fan of reclaiming our power around health and doing as much as I can on my own whenever possible. There will always going to be a delicate balance between self-treating and calling in the experts when needed. The more complicated your current health, the more you will need that individualized support that only a skilled herbalist can provide.
So, while I do a lot of my herbal research and experimentation on my own, I do call in an herblist when I know I need help. Clinical herbalists are very important in the alternative health world. They provide amazing service, value, and insight that can be transformational for people. These are the folks that I turn to when I am really wanting to go deep and find out what is going on and how herbs can support me.
If you’re like me and want to do more on your own, know that there is so much that you can do yourself and that’s where my friends at Learning Herbs come in. They make herbs simple. Their sole mission is to show anyone and everyone how they can use herbs in their own life, easily, safely, and efficiently, no matter what your background or skill level.
When I discovered the Learning Herbs site, the first thing I downloaded was their Taste of Herbs Flavor Wheel. This chart is essentially a map for using healing herbs in your own life. It helped me learn so much about herbs and I credit this experience as paving the way for continued love and interest in herbs to this day. I am also a member of their Learning Herbs site and use it all the time. I love the folks at Learning Herbs so much that they quickly became one of my trusted affiliate partners on this site and I am proud to help support them.
So, let me ask you:
- Has choosing the “right herb” ever felt confusing?
- Have you ever stared at a list of herbs, wondering which was the right one to use?
- Or wished you knew the secret to choosing herbal remedies with confidence?
- Maybe you have a shelf full of herbal books and don’t know where to begin?
- Or you’re sick and tired of the “one-size-fits-all” information on the Internet?
If you’re anything like me, then I am guessing you’ve answered yes to at least one of those…So, today I am here to help you out with a brand new herbal training (that’s TOTALLY FREE!).
My friends, John and Rosalee, at LearningHerbs have just released an awesome new video training – and it’s customized to YOUR experience using herbs. You’ll rediscover a lost herbal skill, and how to choose the right herb for a person in need, with confidence. Best of all, the price is right: it won’t cost you anything (other than your email address).
Who doesn’t love free stuff, especially when it comes to your health!?
In this free video training, you’ll learn:
- A proven way to learn about herbs… that requires NO memorization or book study.
- How to dramatically improve your chances for success when making a remedy.
- What “energetics” are and why are they important to your long-term success as a home herbalist.
- How to take a bookshelf of information and get it off the shelf and into practical use for your family.
- Plus, you’ll get a cool downloadable map and PDFs to using healing herbs!
If you want to check out the completely free video training and access your complete downloadable packet with your roadmap to using healing herbs, visit their site here (or click on the button below). Stay tuned because next week there is going to be a SUPER fun webinar taking place where you can learn even more about herbs and even get some questions answered!
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