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Guess what friends?? I have successfully reintroduced chocolate into my diet after being without for over 4 years!
I gave up chocolate in 2012 when I started on really restrictive healing diets for my autoimmune protocol. I tried to reintroduce it after a couple months and came down with a migraine within 30 minutes. This was really clean, homemade chocolate too so I knew exactly what was in it.
So, I went without. Even though I’d have moments years later where I would think about giving chocolate another go, I just couldn’t bring myself to do it…Migraines are not fun and I didn’t feel it was worth the risk.
Earlier this Fall, I tried to reintroduce chocolate and although I didn’t come down with a migraine, I did not feel well afterwards, so I decided to leave it out for awhile longer.
A couple weeks ago, I decided I would be brave enough to try it again.
And, success!
No migraine, no funny feelings. All good.
And boy has having a little chocolate back in my life been fun. 🙂
To celebrate this victory, Thrive Market is sponsoring a super fun offer for my readers! FREE Chocolate from Primal Kitchen. Which also happens to be packed with one of my favorite super foods — grass-fed collagen! Thrive Market is one of my all-time favorite affiliate partners and I was so excited when they said they’d sponsor this freebie!
In an ideal world, we’d all eat nutritious, home-cooked meals every day. In reality, sometimes you just need a quick bite or a sweet treat, and that’s where energy bars come in. Buuuuut, most energy bars are filled with junk are not really all that nutritious.
Thankfully there is an energy bar filled with all sorts of flavor AND nutrition! Primal Kitchen Dark Chocolate Almond Bars are one of the best options out there—full of collagen and healthy fats, packed with protein, and rich in fiber.
Say goodbye to conventional protein bars stuffed with sugar or high-fructose corn syrup. Lightly sweetened with honey and monk fruit extract, these bars deliver amazing flavor and nutrition. They’re made from real food ingredients, and don’t include any grains, dairy, or artificial additives.
And it’s not only what these bars don’t contain that makes them so good for you—it’s the nutrition they do. With 15 grams of protein and 6 grams of dietary fiber per serving, Primal Kitchen’s bars provide plenty of lasting energy and leave you feeling full and satisfied. They’re also a good source of essential minerals like iron, and pack in tons of healthy fats from grass-fed collagen, too.
I talk about my reintroduction and my current Thrive Market haul in this week’s Facebook Live.
Ready to sink your teeth into one of these chocolatey, chewy delights? Well, you’re in luck, because Thrive Market is offering a FREE 6-pack of Primal Kitchen’s Paleo-friendly dark chocolate almond energy bars with any purchase of $50 or more! Claim your FREE gift today before they’re all gone!
How Anyone Can Get FREE Groceries with Thrive Market’s Refer-A-Friend Program
Who wants FREE groceries?
If you’re like me, that sounds awesome. We could all use some help on the grocery budget, because let’s face it.
Real food is expensive.
I get so annoyed when I see bloggers out there saying that real food really doesn’t cost more than junk food.
Well, it does. Plain and simple.
BUT, even though it costs more, it is worth the money. You have to view real food as an INVESTMENT in your health.
But, I digress.
We made the decision a long time ago that we would cut back and sacrifice in other areas to ensure that we could spend more on food. Now, don’t get me wrong, we still have a budget we have to stick to, but I’ll sacrifice new clothes and gadgets for more real food.
So, needless to say, I am always in search of ways to support the grocery budget and get more bang for my buck.
And that is what I am here to talk about today.
This post is about free groceries and I want to show you the recent grocery haul I got from Thrive Market for only $25 (original price was $280), thanks to their Refer-A-Friend program.
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