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Sleep is important.
Like really, really, reeeeeeeally important.
I’ve mentioned before that sleep is a non-negotiable for me. I am incredibly protective of my sleep and make it a priority in my life. And this is why:
1. When we sleep, protein production takes place that provides the necessary building blocks for cell growth and repair.
2. During sleep is always when the body recovers from stress damage, damage caused by ultraviolet rays, and immunity is boosted.
3. Sleep is also when a lot of detoxification takes place so that your body can function optimally and helps regulate hormone production in the body.
This is not all that happens while we sleep, but it’s a good start and if these 3 things are not met, our health suffers.
Without sufficient rest the body is weakened, exposing us to greater risk of poor health.
In fact, just one night of missed or inadequate sleep is sufficient to make you as insulin resistant as a type 2 diabetic.
Back when I first started learning how to manage my blood sugar, I spent a lot of time testing my blood sugar levels to get an idea of how mine was functioning. I could easily see an impact on those mornings where I had not slept well the night before.
Lack of sleep also causes persistently high cortisol levels, which can cause a myriad of disorders, including:
- thyroid and metabolic dysfunction (blood sugar!)
- cognitive decline
- low serotonin levels ( resulting in depression, irritability, anxiety and carb cravings)
- weight gain
- inability to manage stress
- impaired and poor quality sleep (ironic, eh? it’s a vicious circle)
- and a lot more
But how do you get better sleep?
The first step is to identify WHY you might be sleeping poorly. For severe sleep issues, this can take some time and perhaps some help from a practitioner and lab work, but it’s well worth the investment in your health.
But one thing you can start now is begin training your body HOW to relax and prepare for sleep.
When it comes to sleep problems and stress, the ultimate “trigger” to your lack of sleep is your MIND. Getting your mind to calm down, to stop racing, and to relax is what we have to do in order to cultivate good sleep habits.
One of the best ways to get your mind to calm down, and to become at peace is to do something that doesn’t involve physical or mental exercise. It doesn’t involve taking medications or sitting for hours in meditation either.
In fact, it’s something that is so simple, and something you most likely did as a child…and now it’s becoming one of THE go-to solutions for not only stress reduction but also to help people finally get the best sleep of their lives.
So what is this solution?
My dear friend Kelly from A Girl Worth Saving has had her fair share of struggles with sleep and she has found that coloring is the key to helping her wind down and preparing her brain and body for proper rest.
So, to share her passion for sleeping AND coloring, she has created a cool new coloring book and comprehensive guide to sleeping well. And today she has a special off for Delicious Obsessions readers!
Today (9/9) through Tuesday (9/13) Kelly is running it on sale for 80% off to celebrate the birth of her beautiful little boy! (congrats Kelly!) <3
>> Get your copy of The Sleep Miracle here (for only $4.99, normally 24.97) <<
Kelly’s book will help you learn how to set up a sleep routine and sticking to it! I assure you that when you wake up from a good 7-9 hours of solid sleep, you won’t think twice about unplugging and getting your mind and body ready for a good night’s rest.
The Sleep Miracle really makes you consider just how anti-sleep our lives have become and how the lack of proper rest and restoration of the body is dramatically impacting the quality of our lives and long-term health.
But rather than worry about lack of sleep, which will only make you sleep less, take positive action to improve it. I personally LOVE Kelly’s book and know you will too!
>> Get your copy of The Sleep Miracle here (for only $4.99, normally 24.97) <<

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