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A few months ago, I lost someone very unexpectedly. The mother of one of my closest childhood friends passed away in a tragic accident. My heart goes out to my friend and her family. I know that my heart ached from this loss and I can’t even imagine how much they have struggled.
This is not my first encounter with death, but it was a solemn reminder that we should never, ever take our loved ones for granted. For months, I had been thinking “I need to go visit her,” “I need to call and see if we can get together,” “I wonder how she’s doing?” But I never did because I was so busy and now I won’t ever have the chance to see her again.
We each need to make a concentrated effort to always live life to its fullest and show our love and appreciation to those we care about. We never know when they, or we, may be taken from this Earth.
Today, I challenge you to take the pledge to always remember to put your loved ones first, no matter how busy you are. Life is always going to be busy. We are always going to have too much on our plate. But we only have one mom, one dad, one sibling, one aunt or uncle, one friend… and we never know when they may be taken from us.
So, go pick up that phone and call someone. Or pick up a pen and write that letter you’ve been meaning to write. Gather together a group of friends for dinner. Or, at the very least, send someone a text message and let them know you’re thinking of them.
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P.P.S. Are you struggling with self-care? Self-care is a foreign concept for most people, but it is absolutely the most important thing that we can do every day. I would love to give you a copy of my eBook, Self-Care for Vibrant Living, where I will show you how to put your needs first and make self-care a part of your daily routine. Sign up for my newsletter here (or click the button below) and receive a complimentary copy.
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