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I don’t often talk about the business side of things on my site, but today I am making an exception. And I hope my words can offer some inspiration and motivation to you!
I know so many people in my Delicious Obsessions community who are passionate about all things real food, health, natural living, coaching, and more. People who have passion, knowledge, and a desire to share this with the world. They just don’t know how to get started. As you read this, these words may really resonate with you — I really hope they do actually.
Becoming an entrepreneur can be really scary, overwhelming, and confusing. It may seem completely out of reach, a “fantasy,” or only for the “lucky.” Many people feel they don’t have what it “takes” to become an entrepreneur.
I’m here to tell you that none of that is true. Everyone has a gift, everyone has things they are passionate about, and everyone has the ability to create a life and business they love.
You know, every single day, I become more and more appreciative of the opportunity I’ve had to create a business and a life that I absolutely love, love, love. Being my own boss has given me the chance to follow my dreams and create a career around the areas I am most passionate about.
And, when the time comes, it is going to allow me to be at home with our children, and be able to homeschool them — something I’ve always dreamed about. It’s one of the main driving forces behind the hustle that goes into making my business work through the ups and the downs. And boy, has it been such a journey full of ups and downs…but I would not change a thing.
Because of all that, I am honored to be a featured speaker on the upcoming Monetise Your Mission SUMMIT: How To Uncover Your Greatest Gift, Make Money Doing What You Love and Make a HUGE Difference For Your Family and Community! The event is hosted by Rita Joyan who is the founder of the Dream Job Blueprint™.
So, let me ask you: Does your work fulfill you? (And I mean, really fulfill you?)
Do you go to bed smiling each day because you know you’ve made the impact you were put on this planet to make… and wake up excited and ready to do it again?
If you just answered “no,” you’re not alone. In fact, a staggering 90% of the global working population is unsatisfied with the work they do, according to a Gallup study.
What if I told you that you CAN identify – and monetise – your mission … so you live a life you love, making the impact you were born to make?
You can!
My friend Rita Joyan (and myself too) has been exactly where you are. She’s cracked the code on monetising your mission (by doing it for herself!) and now, she’s bringing together top experts from around the world (including me) to share our best secrets and tips for doing exactly that, in a brand new virtual event: Monetise Your Mission, beginning April, 18th, 2016.
If you’re tired of reading, you can go ahead and sign up to join us here (it’s completely free!).
When you go to the link above and sign up to join us for this powerful, complementary interview series, you’ll hear personal, real-life stories of total transformation from experts who have all found and monetised their mission.
We’re living each and every day around our passion – which means we’re also living highly-fulfilled, complete and joyful lives!
Now, we want to help you do the same.
Join us and:
- Discover your passion and how to get past the blocks that may keep you from monetising it.
- Learn the #1 mistake most people make that keeps them stuck – struggling to make money with their passion – while others (in the same business) make consistent money doing what they love.
- Find out how to crack the code when it comes to monetising your passion, so you can spend more time with your family, be your own boss, and make an impact.
- Get proven methods to stop being ‘busy,’ and start being productive, so you can make big strides toward earning a living with your mission.
- And more!
Plus, you’ll receive amazing free gifts and resources designed to assist you on this incredible journey toward making money with your mission!
Visit this link and take the first step, by reserving your spot (for FREE) for Monetise Your Mission.
I want you to know, I believe in this message (I’m a living example of it) and in Rita bringing together this summit and its library of training. It’s time to escape a miserable 9-5 in order to create a life and business that allows you to give back and make money at the same time!
Now, it’s our mission to support other existing and aspiring entrepreneurs in doing the same. I can’t wait for you to join us! Save your spot here.
See you there!
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