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Self-care is one of the most important things we can do for ourselves, yet it’s the first thing to get abandoned when life gets busy. Self-care is critical for everyone, but women and those suffering from chronic illness are the ones who REALLY need to focus on the self-care aspect of their health.
Often, when you are in the middle of a healing journey or life gets too busy, we start to neglect ourselves. It’s sometimes easier to take care of everyone else than to set aside specific time each day to focus on you. It doesn’t have to be a lot — just 5 minutes can make a huge difference.
This week, Lydia and I were thrilled to have our friend Nanci Tunley join us on the show to talk about self-care and its importance. Nanci is a nutritional therapist and a heart-centered health coach. Teaching women to take care of themselves first is one of her primary goals in her practice. I know you will enjoy this episode as much as I did!
Missed previous episodes? You can find them all here.
Links From This Week’s Episode:
- Jessica’s Stress Management and Mindfulness Article Database
- Revive + Thrive Nutritional Therapy and Wellness with Nanci Tunley
- Nanci’s Self-Care Challenge (FREE program)
- Nanci’s Self-Care and Nutrition Blog
- Health Assessment with Lydia
- Hair Analysis with Lydia
- Information about HTMA and Minerals
- How to Create a Game Plan to Keep Your Whole Family Healthy
Listen to The Vibrant Health Podcast :: Episode 21
Read The Vibrant Health Podcast Transcript :: Episode 21
Jessica: Hi everyone. Welcome to episode number 21 of the Vibrant Health Podcast. I am Jessica from DeliciousObsessions.com and JessicaEspinoza.com. And I’m here with my co-host, Lydia of DivineHealthFromTheInsideOut.com.
Today, we have a very special guest with us and we are so excited to get started. Lydia, do you want to pop in and say hi and introduce our guest?
Lydia: Yes. Hello everyone. This is Lydia. I’m here today with our special guest and a colleague of mine. Her name is Nanci Tunley. Nanci is also a nutritional therapy practitioner and she is from California.
She’s got some wonderful self-care information and inspiration for us today that we know so many people need, especially this time of the year. Of course always, but this time of the year can be busy, busy, busy. So we’re going to have Nanci inspire us today with her tips for women who struggle to put themselves first and “me more” self-care.
So Nanci, thank you so much for joining us today.
Nanci: Thank you so much. I have admired you both for years. So it’s awesome to be able to share this information with you guys. Just to give you a little bit of background, like Lydia said, I am a nutritional therapist and I’ve been in practice in nutrition for over a decade. I’ve been a nutritional therapist for two to three years.
And what I really noticed in the last couple of years was some people were – I was asking myself. How come some people were getting better and really diving into the information I was providing and some people are really dragging in their feet, weary, having trouble following through? What’s the difference in these people on how they see things?
So I really went exploring for training and I found Neuro Linguistic Programming. And I found a certification called The Transformational Coaching Method with Holistic MBA, which completely changed my life, my practice, my results with my clients and it’s really based on neuro linguistic programming, family system and really making change at the level of behavior, of course because that’s what I originally set out to find out. How come some people are following through with the right behaviors?
But there’s also beliefs and really exploring. So it really came down to what people believe was possible for them. So the simple act of drinking water, how come people have just a struggle with something so simple like staying hydrated?
And so it really gave me the tools to be able to drill down and really get results with people. So it completely changed my life and I’m really excited to share it with you guys and more people in 2016.
Jessica: That’s awesome. That’s’ something that I’ve struggled with. I think you’re going to be diving into mindset stuff with your clients and that’s something that I’ve been going through for mindset healing over the last year.
It’s gotten really intense this fall as I’ve had some pretty big revelations about why I was behaving in certain ways and things that have stemmed from childhood and beliefs that I have. So that’s a huge thing. I really feel like my health had been hindered by these issues.
Nanci: Yes.
Jessica: So I love that you’re addressing that and that’s actually one thing. I’m going back to school to NTA as well to become a nutritional therapy consultant and that’s the direction I want to focus on for awhile. I don’t know if I will actually practice my area or where my journey will take me.
But I see so many struggles that I’ve had with getting my minds in the right place regarding healing and how I view my body and what I’m capable of and that kind of stuff. I just want to help people maybe skip some of the years of struggles that I had.
So yeah, I love that we’re talking about that today. I’m glad to have you here.
Nanci: Thank you. Yeah. So it’s really about putting yourself at the top of the list every day. That is so challenging, especially for women. I think we can chat about that little bit and we can all relate to that. Something always seems more important that taking care of ourselves and that stuff like that. Why?
Jessica: Yeah. Let’s talk about why self-care is important – first of all, because I know up until about a year ago, it sounds silly considering how long I’ve been in the health and wellness field, but the term self-care really didn’t become as evident to me until about a year ago when I really started following more people, promoting self-care and diving deeper into my health issues. And I was realizing that I needed to do more of just taking care of myself just on the very basic level.
So I think a lot of women don’t even really understand what self-care is and why it’s important. So can you talk a little bit about why this is so critical for all of us?
Nanci: Absolutely because there are things in life that we all want. So it really starts with that. It’s really getting clarity about what you wanted experiencing in your life, what it looks like, what it feels like, what it sounds like.
And if you don’t have clarity around that or you’re not willing to express what you want, what you really truly want, what’s really in your heart and your soul, then self-care has a hard time sticking because there’s no outcome. It’s not connected to the outcome. You’re taking care of yourself.
A lot of people talk about knowing your why. Have you heard that? People are talking about, “You’ve got to know why you’re doing it.” That’s part of it, but a lot of times, the why has to be honest. You have to be able to really feel into exactly what your motivating factor is.
And if you want to head in the direction of what your hopes and your dreams are and what you really truly want, then self-care is going to be the number one step of getting you what you really want, not like what you kind of want. A lot of people will say, “I want more joy, I want to feel better,” some things that are non-specific.
So what I do with my clients is I have them get really, really specific. What does it look like when you wake up in the morning? What time do you go to bed? How are you feeling? What are you seeing? What are you driving?
And so self-care, once they have that image in front of them of exactly what they want, self-care is number one because if you are not taking care of yourself, then you’re not really believing in yourself.
Jessica: Yes, I totally agree.
Nanci: Yeah, that sigh. So that is a big one. That is a big one. You can say what you want. It can have the most clarity. You can meditate on it every morning. But if you’re not truly, truly loving yourself and looking yourself in the mirror and loving what you see, it’s going to be very difficult to happen or it’s going to feel like a huge struggle and it doesn’t need to be like that.
So it sounds scary. I get it. And so it’s really about breaking it down into chunks that are really digestible and doable. That’s my job. It’s to help my clients go from week to weeks to month to months to a year to year until they have a whole new normal and they’re experiencing what they want without even realizing it sometimes. Sometimes when you get to what you want, you find you get it and then you don’t want it anymore because you already have it.
Lydia: Yeah.
Nanci: Obviously, yeah, right. Can you imagine what this was like five years ago, Lydia?
Lydia: Hmmm.
Nanci: Right? And yeah, what it has grown to now has been amazing to watch. And I’ve been such a big fan of yours through the years as I’ve told you.
So you get there and it’s like, “Okay, what’s next?”
Jessica: Right. Right.
Lydia: Yeah.
Nanci: That’s good to hear. What’s next? Let’s move on.
Lydia: Yeah, it’s awesome. So Nanci, as you know, I work with a lot of women on their health and the majority of them are moms and they have a lot of kids. Somehow I have a lot of home school moms as well.
Nanci: Yeah.
Lydia: So I do talk to them about this stuff and it is a really big struggle. They almost feel guilty or they feel wrong in putting themselves first. Listen, you’ve got to put on your own oxygen mask first when you’re on the plane. Just like what they say, you can’t help someone else if you can’t breathe.
Nanci: Yes.
Lydia: And so that’s my little one-liner. “Listen, you’ve got to nourish yourself inside and out. Not just for food, but you need self-care.”
Somehow, women take on a martyr complex and we just feel like we have to do everything for everyone and help everyone and we love to do it. It’s part of the beauty of who we are as women, but it can be a vicious cycle if we are not on top of this piece where we believe our own self-care. It’s so important to our soul as well as everyone we’re caring for.
So I feel like it’s a big challenge for women when they’re not quite there. And so I’m always giving little tips. But I’d love to hear your tips. What tips can you offer to any woman whether she’s got kids or not? What tips can you offer to any woman whether she’s got kids or not who struggle with putting themselves first and putting on their own oxygen mask first?
Nanci: Yeah. That’s such a loaded question. And I’ll just start with – I don’t think there are any of us or any woman homeschooling or however they choose to mother their kids that don’t struggle with the guilt and shame of saying “no.” That’s prevalent in the working mom community as well.
It’s really an interesting thing because it really comes down to what you believe is the definition of a good mother and where that came from in your life, what your mother was like, what your grandmother was like, what your great-grandmother was like.
So that leads me to one of my favorite paradigms, which can, I don’t know, make moms feel – I know when I first heard this, I felt really uncomfortable because it really, really resonated with me. Like I said, we all feel guilt, mom guilt. I mean us. Yeah, totally.
And it’s just the suffering obligation of love. And this is not just with moms. This is actually with your partner and many different things and situations in life. But it’s the way we show our love by putting ourselves last on the list essentially.
So it’s an unworkable way of saying, “I love you,” which doesn’t really make sense. It’s like we are saying, “I’m so devoted to you and I want to give you so much love that I will actually suffer” in an effort to say, “I love you.”
So yeah, that is unworkable. There’s no extra love that really comes from it when you’re not really able to take care of yourself and love yourself. It is not really helpful.
So number one, one of the most important things is you have to know what you want and what you want to be experiencing and what your best interest is. That takes connecting with yourself on a daily basis. I don’t care if it’s five minutes. You have to have that time completely quiet and dedicated to you. It doesn’t have to be a big lengthy self-care routine where you’re going to yoga. It doesn’t have to be like that.
So it’s really connecting with what’s in your heart, what you want to be experiencing, being honest with yourself, “Am I tired? Am I worn out? What do I really need?” and not really worrying about the health. Don’t worry about the health or the guilt or the shame, “Oh my gosh, if I were to actually take a whole half day to myself or a whole day to myself.”
For some, that’s really, really challenging. I mean for me, it used to be extremely challenging.
So it’s really connecting with yourself on a daily basis, being honest with yourself on where you’re at and how you’re feeling. So that’s where you are at your present state, how you’re feeling today going into your desired state, what you want to be feeling and experiencing that you’re not.
And it’s putting yourself on your schedule, getting the calendar out and putting yourself in every single week of non-negotiable time. So if you’re not spending very much time away from your kids say now, then start small. Start with something that’s doable where you’re lighting a candle, moving around, playing on a foam roller, whatever it is.
It’s connecting with yourself. And write it down every day. Write down how you’re feeling and what you want to be experiencing. And then you put yourself on the calendar.
What happens is people say, “Oh yeah, I want this. I want this. I know I need this. I don’t feel good.” And then they call someone like us, a nutritional therapy practitioner. They will say, “I’m all in.” They get all the amazing protocol that could completely heal them and whatnot. But a lot of times, they don’t follow through because they’re not connected to see what they need to be doing.
Lydia: Yeah.
Nanci: And so it’s always out, out, out and not going inward. Do you know Paul Chek? I don’t know if you know him.
Lydia: Yeah.
Nanci: Paul Chek. He’s amazing. I did this Holistic Lifestyle course nine years ago. But you have to have an equal working in with the equal working out. And we know motherhood is a workout. So you best be working in, too.
Lydia: Yeah. I just love all this so much and I wanted to say something that heads towards the whole guilt piece because that is so pervasive and huge.
So I’m having a conversation with a colleague and I’ve been having this conversation in my head and to various people lately. I’m a single mother. I have four kids. So I get up in the morning and my brain is on fire. I have a million bulbs going on and I’m like, “Oh my gosh, I just want to get my own time right now.”
But guess what, I got to get kid number one out the door and then kid number two. And there are all four of them going out the door at different times to different schools to different buses. So it’s crazy pants.
So I have been saying, “I just want someone else to do this morning routine. I want to get up and do what I want to do.” Right now, it’s not possible. It’s not tangible because I can’t hire a nanny or something.
But some people will say to me, “You can’t get out of being a mom.” And I’m like, “No, no, no. I don’t want to get out being a mom. I love my kids.” But if I am cranky every morning and yelling at them because in my brain, I really feel this time of day is important to my well-being, to my business and so forth and men typically won’t get to do this – I’m not trying to be a chauvinist here or whatever the word is – but typically they’ll get to leave and it’s usually the woman who’s handling the kids. Not always. I understand that sometimes it’s different, but it’s still pretty much mainly common.
And so I’m sitting there and thinking, “No, no, no, I’m not going to feel guilty for feeling like this. There’s nothing wrong with this desire I have because in the long run, it’s going to benefit me and them. And it may not be something that I do forever.”
So that’s just one example, a desire that I have that I tend to feel guilty about because as a mom, I should just suck it up and do everything and love loving my kids. Do you know what I mean?
Nanci: Yeah, totally.
Lydia: So I just want to use that as an example because I know everyone – and it doesn’t have to be mothers only. I’m sure there’s something that women without kids feel guilty about, too.
But I think this whole guilt piece of putting ourselves first is so huge. I would love to hear maybe some of your thoughts and how you could share with women and encourage them to be able to shake that and feel okay with their desires. Do you know what I mean?
Nanci: Yes. Yeah, absolutely. So here it is, exactly, you’re going to feel guilty about certain positions and choices you make. It’s really important as a human being to make meaning out of everything.
We have in our head what it means to be a good mother from the first day we gave birth, whether we think we do or we don’t know, we do. We have a belief system about what it means to be a good mother.
That totally changed my world in the last eight years. And motherhood for me looks a lot different than it is for my mother and my grandmother and great-grandmother. And this is an amazing time for women. We have choices now. There are all kinds of different choices.
You may feel guilty and my advice to you is to do it anyway and to not make meaning on it.
So in your perfect example of having somebody come and support you in the morning and doing that, making that means that you are an empowered woman who is really, really setting herself up for happiness and success and an amazing example to her sons. And so it’s really finding new ways to look at it.
I mean what if that example that you’re doing, what if that completely change the type of girl your son decides he wants to be with?
Lydia: Right.
Nanci: So the choices that we make, what if that changes everything for them?
Lydia: Yes.
Nanci: So it’s really, really raising the bar and really separating our love from our behaviors. Of course, that love is still there going so deeply that you’re just choosing to do things in a little bit of a different way.
So the intention is still there to love your sons deeply, that hasn’t changed. It’s the method that you are using to love them has evolved, totally evolved. That was pretty darn amazing.
Lydia: Yes. I totally love that. That’s such a kind way to phrase it. And to also look to that piece of – I thought about that so many times. I don’t want to raise my boys to find a woman who runs circles around them and just do everything for them.
Nanci: Yes.
Lydia: So that’s another level of digging into it. I think not all women are going to see some of those pieces and it’s so great to have someone helping you flush this out so that you are like, “Oh my gosh, you are so right. I was feeling guilty.” Do you know what I mean?
Nanci: Yes.
Lydia: So it’s so cool.
Nanci: And you’re going to feel guilty as a mom. I think it’s even ridiculous to say, “Oh don’t feel guilty” because you’re going to. But do it anyways. Guilt is not really a useful emotion either way. It doesn’t really serve you.
So just know that it’s going to be there and take that step and decide how it feels. You can always step back. Yeah, you can always step back. It’s your choice. It’s your life. So you can do that and say, “Oh my gosh, this doesn’t feel good. I’m going to go back to what I was doing and maybe try something different.” So it’s really about creating the freedom to choose for yourself.
Jessica: And the more you do it, the easier it gets.
Nanci: Yeah.
Jessica: I mean it’s going to be really uncomfortable at first. I like how you tell us to accept the guilt. Don’t try to tell somebody, “Don’t feel guilty about feeling guilty” because it’s going to be there. We just have to work through it. And the more that we put ourselves on the front burner, it’s like creating a new habit. Soon, you’re not going to feel that anymore because you’re used to putting yourself first.
Nanci: Exactly. That’s what I do with my clients. It’s really helping them be different without having to think about it. And then they’re like, “Oh my gosh, I can’t believe I’m doing this. I can’t believe it would be possible for me.”
Then they’ll start to feel a little bit like, “Wait, what was it that I wanted?” It’s like, “Oh, I already have it. I already have a big chunk of it.” Okay, let’s move the marker up. What do you want next? What’s next?
Lydia: Yeah. It’s a pretty amazing work. I just feel so incredibly grateful that I’ve been able to spend the last couple of years getting into it. So it’s been a great experience for me personally.
Jessica: Yeah, that’s great. You’re going to help so many women who just need to be told that it’s okay to put themselves first because we don’t live in a culture that really cultivates self-care in any form.
For me, like I said, a year ago, that was the first time that I started paying attention to this whole theory of self-care and it seems so difficult at first. And even now, I still have those days where I’m just like, “Oh, I really need to do this for myself, but I have all this work I have to do” or “I have something else” or “I have errands I have to run.”
Nanci: Yeah. This is what happens to us. Something else always seems more important than us. And we’re getting ready to go out and to finally take care of ourselves and honor our calendar. And oh my gosh, what happens? I was going to go, but then so-and-so needed this or I remembered that I needed to do this or my favorite show is on. That’s something that’s really, really, really common with women of something that bumps you to the back.
So it’s really being consciously aware of that and having the strategy to know what to do when that keeps happening because it will happen. It happens to me.
Jessica: Sure.
Nanci: Yeah. And if you’re not, I have to tell you. I’m so passionate about helping women just like you’re describing, Lydia, about all the love.
My first two or three years of motherhood, I barely left my child, barely. And my husband was overseas in Iraq most of the time. And people were like, “Can I help you? Can I help you?” and I was like, “No, I don’t need help. I don’t need help.”
And I wanted to have another baby and I couldn’t. I was not getting pregnant. I was miscarrying. And I was like, “Oh okay, sometimes those things need to happen in order to get our attention.”
So yeah, I really suffered. A lot of times, we grow up with a mom that did everything and that’s what we follow through.
If we can take a look back at how you were mothered because we have the mother in all of us. And I help women, too, that are in their 50s and 60s who didn’t get this information. So now is their time and they get to go back and really nothing has changed for them. They still don’t take time for themselves. It’s the same thing. It’s just on a different stage of life.
So now really, in some ways, I’ll tell you the truth. It’s just as hard for them even though they don’t have young kids anymore than it is, a lot of times, for the mothers that have young kids or kids.
So it just goes to show that it’s not all about kids. We think it’s about kids, having young kids or have young kids. But it’s really about what we believe is possible for us.
Lydia: Yeah. And I have to say, from a nutritional standpoint, let’s just go there for one second.
Nanci: Yeah.
Lydia: I’m working with these people who are exhausted, they’re burned out and they’re struggling. And I’m seeing the people who just keep on the go, go, go, go, go. They don’t stop and breathe.
And even for me personally, when I just allowed myself to Netflix binge or whatever. I love that. It wasn’t like me being lazy. It was me being totally – I need this time to just completely unwind from my own brain and enter this fun time.
So I know for me personally, I feel so much better health-wise and my adrenals are loving me when I’m saying, “Hey, let’s just relax. Let’s just chill. Let’s go sit in the bath. I’m going to just go to this place that I like and just sit there and read a book or whatever it is.”
And so from an actual physical standpoint, this whole piece is connected hugely. So these two things intersect massively.
So the longer you’re in this mode of not giving this time to yourself or taking away – let’s say it’s taking away from yourself, do you know what I mean – you’re totally going to feel it in your physical health as well as and all kinds of things. So that’s a big deal too.
I think you have a thrive list that you share with people. That’s pretty cool.
Nanci: Yeah. Yeah, absolutely. I’ll just add on to what you said. We know as nutritional therapists, the body can’t heal if it’s not in a parasympathetic state, if you are constantly sympathetic, which is that have fight or flight side of your autonomic nervous system and you’re go, go, go and you don’t stop to be able to rest and digest and re-stimulate that parasympathetic side, which is really common in most moms. We won’t get into that because certainly, it could be dominant in the parasympathetic side too.
But if you’re someone that goes, goes, goes and you don’t stop and allow your body to heal, it’s not going to be able to. It’s like your brilliant Facebook post. “Stress is going to undermine even the best supplement,” I think is what you said. And it’s so true. It’s so true. And I see that all the time. All the time.
So yeah, it’s so hard for us to swallow and strive with. And it’s so different for everyone. So they have to come up with their own list and what they need to strive. I’m talking about striving, not surviving. That’s a whole other show of how we all fall into that survival patterns.
So yes, this is for me food, eating real food. Not only eating, but how you eat it, so sitting down. This sounds so silly, but if you can get up to 20 minutes for a meal, just sitting there and eating your food, no matter what it is, I think that part is harder for people than getting good food. It’s just being able to sit down and just enjoy, relax and eat it, especially for moms.
Lydia: Yeah, yeah.
Nanci: And that’s water, exercise or movement. And I say movement because it could be anything. Some days, for me, it’s playing on a foam roller or it’s just stretching for 10 minutes. That’s just perfect for me. It wouldn’t make sense for me to go running or to lift weights or whatnot. So it’s really honing in on what your body needs that day of stress relief.
What do you do to relieve stress when you all have it? Is it going to yoga? Is it medication? What do you want to do? What are your vibrations? What makes you say, “Oh my god, yes, I would love to be able to paint twice a week?”
This is what it really comes down to. It’s what you really, really, really want. So it doesn’t really do any good to eat a big food, drink water, even if you think you’re getting the perfect workout, if really what’s in your heart and your soul is not really alive and you’re not really allowing it to be expressed.
I always know that I’m on the right track with someone when they’re like, “I really, really love to be doing this” or whatever they love to do. “I love to go dancing.” And they just completely light up.
And then you know what? It’s not about “You better eat this much protein and da-da-da-da-da.” That just falls into place because they are happy. They’re not completely in that vibration that’s a little bit lower where they’re just not sure in walking through the mud. It’s like walking through quicksand where you’re just trying to make things and nothing is happening.
So really, really pouring that love right into yourself really helps the other things to fall into place. Creativity, passion, connection to the people that are around you, even strangers, just being present and you are going about your day. And then like I said, my number one tip really for moms is really connecting to your desires and what you want and making sure that all parts of you are heard.
Lydia: Awesome.
Jessica: That’s a beautiful list. I love it.
Nanci: Oh, and sleep.
Lydia: We should not forget that.
Nanci: That’s a big one for moms.
Lydia: Oh yeah, totally.
Nanci: I don’t know if you find this. I have found this with a lot of my stay-at-home moms and home school moms. They’re concerned with their kids all day. They’ll stay up really late at night because that’s when they tend to themselves. A lot of times, that happens.
Lydia: Yes. Yes. Yes. That’s a biggie. Being a single mom for so long, my sleep was pretty interrupted. Having kids, ever since I was having them, I didn’t get good sleep. You have to realize this. I don’t think people connect to that. Okay, so I have four kids ages whatever and under, pretty much I haven’t gotten the super sleep for that long.
So totally that was a big one for me. Okay, when I finally moved on from my marriage, it was like, “Okay, it’s all about my sleep. And kids, you’re going to bed. Boom, done, sleep.” And I was vigilant. It was my thing.
Nanci: Yeah.
Lydia: I was protective of it. I was so like, “This is happening, come hell or high water.” And I tell people about that one for sure because again, the whole guilt thing will creep in, “Oh, but I have so much I didn’t get to do or whatever.” It’s a whole vicious cycle. But yeah, that’s a biggie.
Nanci: Yeah, yeah. And just the temptation like you’re saying, just to get things done or just to have sleep. And that’s tricky because that’s the time you need to restore. You’ve been on all day, going, going, going. You’re not getting the time to restore. And you’re taking from the bank account and it has to be paid back. It has to be paid back or you will pay. That’s just the way it works.
As we know, genes do have a big effect on it because for some people, depending on their genetics, people really, really truly suffer. And we can’t afford in this day and age with so much toxicity and autoimmune going around, we can’t afford to – some people really truly can’t afford to not sleep at all. So yeah, it’s really, really important.
Getting the moms to sleep is one of the number one things that should be a priority for families. And when your kids get old enough to really be able to understand and appreciate that is really letting them know, “Mom needs to rest too.”
Lydia: Yeah, and we need to stand up for ourselves on that front. That’s a good one. I’m sure you have to hash that out with people quite a bit. So it’s good stuff.
Nanci: Yeah. And really, this is a thing that you really have to believe. If you invest in you, you are investing in the people around you. When you are loving yourself, you’re loving them. When you’re not loving yourself, then you’re loving them, but there’s a disconnect.
The love is not going to be able to slow the way it is if you’re really pouring it to yourself. And so it’s much more powerful if you’re able to show up really being fully yourself.
Jessica: So how can people get in touch with you through your website? What services are you offering? Tell people how they can contact you if they are ready to take that step or if they want to put themselves first, but they need some help getting there because they just don’t feel like they know how to do it.
Nanci: Yeah, absolutely. First of all, in January, I will – I usually do five of these a month, but January is such a busy month and people are generally really going to jump on taking care of themselves, so I’m doing 10 free 30-minute strategy sessions about getting clarity around really what you want and you want to be experiencing.
People come away with those sessions really having a strong idea of what’s stopping them or slowing them down. And for some people, listening to this, it’s still so overwhelming and it’s like, “Oh my god, this woman is crazy. I cannot imagine doing that.”
I totally get it and this is the way I reframe it for people. It’s really about letting just a little bit of love in every day where it couldn’t get in before. So it’s just a little bit each day. It’s not any drastic change or anything like that. So it’s letting a little bit of that love in every day.
I am working on providing a link to my scheduler. These sessions go really, really fast and I just love doing them. They’re so fun and so rewarding for me. And so 10 free clarity sessions, take advantage of that.
And then I have also a free gift on my site, which is ReviveAndThriveNutrition.com, all spelled out. And it’s Five Secrets to Setting Goals That Stick because we all know January, February and March, we all have good intentions to really dive in and a couple of months later, we’re like, “Wait, what do we want? What?” So these are five things you have to have and be doing and so that you get to July and you’re like, “I already got that. Okay, let’s go on to something else.” So definitely take advantage of that and click on that. That’s a free gift.
I also have an opt-in to my newsletter if you want to be a part of that and hear about my offerings throughout the year. And I also will have a group program in January around behavior and beliefs.
I also work around identity and that really takes place more in my one-on-one work with people. And it really speaks to how you really identify yourself in the world and really improving the relationship with yourself and opening possibilities that you might not have realized were there for you. So it’s basically about honoring your dreams and making them happen in a way that is exciting and easier than you think.
When I work with people one-on-one like that, the behavior changes are so much easier because they now believe that there’s this whole world of possibility and that they’re being completely loved and supported by the universe. So they’re like, “Okay, let’s do it.”
Jessica: It’s true. It’s totally.
Nanci: So yeah, thank you. So there are a couple of different ways to take advantage of my services. So I hope you use those.
Jessica: Awesome. We’ll include all the information if you’re on this, listening to the podcast or YouTube. We’ll have all the links there. So you can just click right over and go say “hi” to Nancy on her site and get signed up and learn more about her services and things like that.
Nanci: Awesome, yeah.
Jessica: Awesome. We really appreciate you stopping by and talking with us today. I learned so much from you just in the 45 minutes that we’ve been talking. So you’ve really given me a lot of food for thought. And I know that so many of our listeners are going to be hopefully inspired and motivated and some food for thought on how they view themselves and the importance of the self-care and taking care of themselves and making that time in their schedule. So I really appreciate that.
Lydia, do you have anything that you want to close with?
Lydia: I’m totally booking a session with you, Nanci.
Nanci: Let’s do it. Yes, I don’t mind.
Lydia: I need this too.
Nanci: Yeah, we all do.
Lydia: Yeah. I love it. I love it. I’m so grateful. Thank you so much for coming. And you guys, Nanci is a beautiful shining light just like she expressed her voice to you. Maybe you felt that. I hope you did because I totally do.
So take advantage of getting this lift and let that transform you into more vibrancy. I think that you’ll love her stuff. I’ve read some of it. It’s amazing.
Nanci: Thank you guys so much. So much.
Lydia: Thank you.
Nanci: I really appreciate the opportunity to tell my story and share my passions with you guys. So thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
Jessica: Absolutely. Thank you for doing that. I guess we’re going to wrap up for today, but if you have any questions about this episode, please don’t hesitate to let us know. You can contact all three of us depending on who you want to talk to.
If this information resonated with you and you know other people who could benefit from it, we would love it if you could share it. We’d also really appreciate it if you can leave us a review on iTunes or Stitcher. If you’re on our site or YouTube listening to this, we’ll have links to where you can leave a review below. And if you’re on iTunes already listening to it, you can leave a review straight through there, the same with Stitcher.
Your shares and reviews of our podcast episodes help us reach more people with our message of health and wellness, so we really, really appreciate it.
Please don’t forget to stop by and say hi to Nanci on her site, ReviveAndThriveNutrition.com and make sure you join her newsletter. She has a ton of great information on her site. She has a wealth of knowledge on everything she talked about today as well as functional nutrition and heart-centered coaching. So definitely check her out.
And then if you’re looking for more information on health and wellness, both Lydia and I have a ton of information on our sites. You can find me at JessicaEspinoza.com, which is my main practice website and where I offer my 21-day sugar detox coaching services and some other services to come in 2016.
And you can find me over on DeliciousObsessions.com, which is my main real food and natural living website. So if you are looking for recipes and natural living information, definitely check that out.
You can find Lydia at DivineHealthFromTheInsideOut.com. And Lydia offers nutritional therapy consultations and hair tissue mineral analysis services for those who are ready to take their health to the next level.
And then lastly, if you have any suggestions for topics you’d like us to cover on future episodes, we would love to hear from you. We want to make these podcast episodes as much help to you and inspiration to you as we possibly can. So we’d love to hear if there’s anything that you are just dying to hear us talk about.
You can either leave us a comment down below or you can e-mail us and just let us know what you think. And we both look forward to serving you and inspiring you to live the healthiest and happiest life possible. So we are going to sign off. Have a great day, everyone.
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