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Who wants FREE groceries?
If you’re like me, that sounds awesome. We could all use some help on the grocery budget, because let’s face it.
Real food is expensive.
I get so annoyed when I see bloggers out there saying that real food really doesn’t cost more than junk food.
Well, it does. Plain and simple.
BUT, even though it costs more, it is worth the money. You have to view real food as an INVESTMENT in your health.
But, I digress.
We made the decision a long time ago that we would cut back and sacrifice in other areas to ensure that we could spend more on food. Now, don’t get me wrong, we still have a budget we have to stick to, but I’ll sacrifice new clothes and gadgets for more real food.
So, needless to say, I am always in search of ways to support the grocery budget and get more bang for my buck.
And that is what I am here to talk about today.
This post is about free groceries and I want to show you the recent grocery haul I got from Thrive Market for only $25 (original price was $280), thanks to their Refer-A-Friend program.
How Thrive Market Helps Us Get FREE Groceries!
You may have heard me talk about Thrive Market in the past and they are one of my trusted affiliate partners. Remember, I do not promote brands or products on this page that I do not love and use myself.
I am huge fan of the company because they allow me to skip some shopping trips (I HATE shopping), save money (with their wholesale prices), support families in need (with their membership-for-a-membership program), AND earn free groceries!
And, the cool thing about this program is that ANYONE can participate. You don’t have to be a blogger, business owner, etc. Ready to learn more? Check out my video below.

If you want to learn more about Thrive Market and sign up for your FREE 30-Day membership (plus 15% off your first order), you can do that here. Once you place your first order, you can start using their Refer-A-Friend program and start earning FREE groceries! Woot!
Delicious Obsessions is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to Amazon.com and affiliated sites.Read our full terms and conditions here.