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I normally don’t discuss things like the business side of blogging.
But in light of how many of my colleagues (and myself) are experiencing many negative comments on our blogs and social media pages recently, I felt inclined to discuss the business side of blogging publicly today.
The other day, I posted about this on Facebook and the supportive response was overwhelming (in a GOOD way!).
I am not discouraged and I am not giving up on anything, so don’t worry, I am here to stay. 🙂
I just wanted to take a moment to open up and share about the business side of blogging. This is something that bloggers don’t often talk about, but I think it’s important for our readers to understand some of what goes on behind-the-scenes of sites like this.
The Business Side of Blogging
Blogging is hard work.
Do not let anyone tell you otherwise.
For some bloggers, it’s a hobby (and there’s nothing wrong with that! I started out like that).
For others, like myself, it’s a business. My blog is what helps me pay the bills and ensures that we have money to put food on the table. My site (and surrounding products/ventures) is my sole source of income.
Bloggers work hard every single day to provide tons of FREE content on their sites, social media pages, and newsletters.
There is time involved in:
- Research
- Recipe development
- Photography and editing
- Maintenance of the website and software used to run the site
- Answering emails
- Answering blog comments
- Social media management
- New product development
- Networking and business development
- Bookkeeping
- Research on IRS, FDA, FTC, etc., laws that affect our business and websites
- and much, much more
For many, this is a full-time job. I personally spend well over 40 hours a week working on my site and all related projects. Up until August of this year (2014), I also worked a “real” job (45 hours a week) to pay the bills and was consistently working 75-80 hours per week total between my “real” job and my blog.
No wonder my adrenals are pooped!
But, I love every minute of it. It is hard, hard work, but it means that I am able to work from home, doing something I love.
And, even MORE importantly, I am setting myself up to be able to stay at home with my children when the time comes to start our family.
I want nothing more than to be able to be home with our children, homeschool them, and watch them grow into the amazing individuals I know they will be.
I am not alone in this motivation either.
I have countless friends and blogging acquaintances that are all trying to make a living doing something they love. While their motivation may be different from mine, but we are all entrepreneurs who have a desire to make a difference in the world.
This is the avenue we have selected to make that difference.
So, when you see a blogger promoting a product, a new book, or a service on their social media or blog, understand that they are promoting something they believe in, they are helping support other businesses that they love, AND they are helping their family and their dreams.
This is no different than any other business who promoting their products and services, or products and services that they like.
As many of you know, I ONLY promote products and services that I have personally tried and love.
If I don’t love it AND use it in my own home, I WILL NOT promote it. That is the standard that I set for myself and the site.
Thanks for listening and thank you for your continued readership of not only this site, but the sites of my friends and colleagues who are trying to make a difference in our food and health systems.
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