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I almost can’t believe it!
The day Kelly, Orleatha, and I have been working towards for months is finally here!
20 Dishes is NOW LIVE!
Here’s what the site looks like, but don’t take my word for it! Go explore!
What is 20 dishes?
20 Dishes is a simple and proven system that the three of us created to help take the OVERWHELM out of the paleo diet.
Time is our most precious resource. It is the one thing that we can never get more of, which is why we are so passionate about our time (and money saving) system.
We want you to have more energy, time, health, and money!
With our F.A.S.T. system, you will finally eliminate the stress of cooking paleo meals, while still reaping all the health benefits of this style of eating.
You deserve to experience a stress-free, care-free life, and now you can.
20 Dishes is MUCH More Than a Meal Plan
We all know that meal planning helps save us money and removes the stress from figuring out what’s for dinner.
BUT, we also know that meal planning can be time-consuming and very difficult to stick to.
That’s where 20 Dishes comes in.
With the 20 Dishes system, you will be given the tools you need to create healthy paleo meals without spending hours and hours each day prepping (not to mention an arm and a leg).
If you’re following a restrictive diet like the Paleo Autoimmune Protocol, you know there is even more burden when it comes to planning meals. We surveyed our readers and found that:
The #1 reason most people fail on the paleo diet is because they are overwhelmed.
So, we have put all the puzzle pieces together into one simple system that will give you the tools and support you need to prep a week of paleo meals in 60 minutes or less.
What do you get when you subscribe to 20 Dishes?
- The F.A.S.T Meal Prep System
- A private support group to ensure success.
- Live webinars every 20 days where you can prep along with your community and learn new tips and tricks.
- Monthly courses where you can learn all the time saving tricks from chefs and other food professionals, showing you how to save even more time and money.
- Access to an extensive selection of kitchen-tested paleo recipes.
- Pre-made meal plans, or the ability to build your own based on your preferences.
Paleo Slow Cooker Bonus Package
To celebrate the launch of 20 Dishes, we have created a special bonus package for the first 100 members!
Those lucky members will get our Slow Cooker eCourse (a $197 value) for FREE! This course includes:
- A slow cooker prep video so you can get the most out of your slow-cooked meals, including how to prep 5 slow cooker meals FAST.
- A live webinar so you can learn how our resident slow cooker expert, Orleatha, puts together her crockpot delicacies (helping YOU save time and money!).
- Our Paleo Slow Cooker eBook, filled with 20 delicious recipes (5 are AIP and 5 are low-FODMAP), how-tos, tips, tricks, and more! This book is in an easy-to-print PDF format and can also be viewed on most mobile devices.
With this bonus package, you will learn the mistakes you are making with your slow cooker that lead to dried out meals and increased cooking times, ensuring you can put delicious meals on the table that everyone will love.
Members who get this package, and who put the system and recipes to use, will be able to go a month without cooking! Imagine taking the whole month of September off from cooking dinner!
Make sure you snag yours today! This bonus offer will not be repeated, so enjoy taking the month of September off of cooking meals and grab yours today!
We just know you will love our time saving system, but if you don’t, you’re protected by our no questions asked, money back guarantee. You have nothing to lose, except for the burden of slaving away in the kitchen!
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