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Do you suffer from an autoimmune disease?
If so, this is THE book for you.
I kid you not.
This is the most comprehensive book that I have ever read on autoimmune disease. Sarah was nice enough to send me a copy recently to review and I was blown away when I received it. I knew it was going to be good, but I had NO idea just how awesome it really was.
I was diagnosed with an autoimmune thyroid disease (Hashimoto’s) back in 2012 and have been on a healing journey ever since. Autoimmune diseases are tough because how they manifest in each person can be totally different. What I may experience from my Hashi’s may be totally different from what others experience. And, what works for me may not work for you. I think this is the single biggest reason why most practitioners are not able to properly treat people with autoimmune diseases. Well, that and they are just not educated on them when going through med school.
I won’t go into my own personal health journey in this post. If you’re interested, you can read all of that here.
What I do want to talk about is my top four reasons why you need to add Sarah’s book to your library.
1. This book is a comprehensive guide to all aspects of autoimmune disease. You can spend hours upon hours researching autoimmune diseases online, but this book has it all gathered together in one spot. Rather than trying to filter through a bunch of confusing information from people who may or may not know what they’re talking about, you can turn to one book and trust that Sarah (with her scientific background and education) knows what she’s talking about.
2. You will finally understand what is going on with your body. The first part of Sarah’s book is dedicated to the science of autoimmune disease. Everything is laid out in such a manner that you don’t have to be a trained scientist to understand what is happening to your body. No matter your education level or experience, you will understand the information she shares and it will finally help you get a grasp on what is going on at a cellular level in your body.
3. Sarah will help you with implementation of the autoimmune protocol (AIP) and how to be successful. The AIP is HARD. I have been following it for some time now and have really struggled. I’ll get really strict for a period of time and then I will start feeling deprived and fall off the wagon. Then, I have to pick myself back up and try again. With the help of Sarah, I am finally wrapping my head around WHY this protocol is so important and she gives me the tools to master it and really make a change in my life.
4. There are lots of pictures, graphs, charts, and other visuals that make the information even easier to grasp. She even includes some AMAZINGLY comprehensive nutrient charts at the end of the book, which is very helpful, considering people with autoimmune diseases are often suffering from a number of nutritional deficiencies.
Want to learn more about The Paleo Approach: Reverse Autoimmune Disease and Heal Your Body? Check out Amazon here.
If you’re like me and in need some new AIP recipes, Sarah has a ton on her site here. I also have quite a few that you can find here.
You can also find Sarah on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram.
P.S. Sarah, thank you so much for sending me a copy of this book to review. It has taken up permanent residence on my desk and I am constantly referring back to it.
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