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{Today, I am excited to introduce you to my friend Soli from I Believe in Butter. Soli was one of the first bloggers I met when I started blogging. I have enjoyed following her journey and am excited to now have her as a contributor to this site. Today she talks about how she is finding health through real food. ~Jessica}
Hi everyone!
I am thrilled to be contributing to Jessica’s blog and share with all of you. For those who do not know me, I’m Soli. It rhymes with Julie when said correctly and is old/middle Norse for sunshine. And now that we have the first question out of the way…
A little over five year ago I found my way into eating traditional foods. At the time I was ethically torn as to whether I should consume meat. What I decided was that I would continue to eat animals so long as I ate more than just the muscle. It seemed wasteful only to consume one small portion of the animal when the rest of the world ate the majority, organs, skin, bones and all.
In the winter of 2008 came the fateful time.
A Swedish Christmas includes a lot of pork and fish, as they were regular fare in the ancestral diet. This included leverpastej, a pork liver pate. After years of repulsion to liver and a few failed attempts for me to eat it in my youth, I gave this a try. The pate was bitter, yes, but not as bad as I thought. The week following Christmas I found myself almost craving the pate and would eat it on a daily basis. Later I would learn that liver is one of the most nutrient-dense foods on the planet, packed with vitamins and minerals and is considered a delicacy.
From there I started to read Nina Planck’s book, Real Food: What to Eat and Why, which is an excellent and accessible introduction to traditional foods. I felt blown away to learn that some of the most maligned foods in our culture are in fact some of the best for health. Finally, I did not feel bad for my love of butter and eggs!
From there, it was a fast spiral into traditional eating (definitely not a bad thing!).
Within six months I was eating cultured vegetables, making real sourdough bread, and drinking raw milk. And I felt great!
Cooking became a bigger adventure and I wanted to get more adventurous. And how is this for an adventure? I will now eat liver (though it is not my favorite cut), heart (delicious!), tongue, and tripe.
When I started with real food there were not many bloggers writing about the topic and I took in as much as I could. As the months and years went on, more voices would join the community, including my own.
It hasn’t always been smooth sailing though. While working on my blog I was also working a full time job and going to graduate school part time. Upon finishing my course work in the summer of 2011, my health crashed and I am still working to heal from that. In addition, my mom was dealing with her own health problems. Unfortunately she passed away this past November and I still miss her every day.
2014 is my reboot year. I have a lot planned but first I need to rebuild my energy some more so that I am able to do everything I want.
When I am not writing, cooking, or eating, I read as much as I can get my hands on, spend time with my new cats Stark and Danerys, study bellydance, and earn my keep as a librarian.
I look forward to getting to know all of you in the coming months!
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