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FACT: True health begins in the gut. Hippocrates told us this over 2,000 years ago.
FACT: Digestion is not given enough credit in its role in our overall health.
FACT: You are what you absorb. Are you absorbing vital nutrients?
FACT: Without high-quality fermented and cultured foods, you will find it difficult to truly heal your gut.
FACT: Poop is important. What do your bowel movements say about your health?
FACT: Healing your gut is much easier when you have someone to guide you.
Let’s face it. Most of us probably don’t give our digestion a second thought. We eat healthy, nourishing foods and expect our body to work its magic and make those vital nutrients available for usage in the body. We trust that our body is doing what it needs to do and we carry on with our lives. We may think that a few burps, a few farts (yes, I went there), feeling sleepy after meals, bad breath, etc., are normal and they don’t even phase us. But, those are NOT normal. They are signs of poor digestion and potentially other digestive issues.
Do you experience any of these digestive complaints/symptoms on a regular basis?
- Belching or gas within one hour of eating
- Heartburn or acid reflux
- Bloating within one hour of eating
- Bad breath
- A sense of excess fullness after meals
- Sleep after meals
- Stomach pains of cramps
- Chronic diarrhea
- Undigested food in stool
- Sweat with a strong odor
- Nausea
- Light or clay colored stools
- Food allergies
- Alternating constipation and diarrhea
- Pain between your shoulder blades
- A history of morning sickness
- Pain under right side of rib cage
- Hemorrhoids or varicose veins
- A pulse that speeds up after eating
- Crohn’s disease
- Itchy anus
- Less than one bowel movement per day
- Blood or mucus in your stool
- Excessive foul smelling lower bowel gas
- Cramping in lower abdominal region
If so, then you are suffering from some sort of digestive issue, no matter how great or small. But have no fear! You can fix it and I am PROOF that you can. Read on!
My Gut Healing Journey
In August of 2012, I started on my journey to true health. I have been sharing my story along the way, and you can read all of my “Let’s Get Personal” posts here, if you are interested. Long story short, I was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s disease, which is an autoimmune thyroid disease. I really didn’t know much about it, or how to treat it, and I was not finding any answers with my MD or ND. I then turned to Lydia from Divine Health for help. I can honestly say I would not be where I am today without her help.
The first thing I learned from Lydia was the importance in proper digestion and healing the gut. Any autoimmune disease (and really, any disease) can find its root in the gut. So, to address whatever issue you are facing, you must first fix the gut. I had no idea how to do any of this, but Lydia set up a plan for us and we started taking baby steps. Now that I am over 8 months down the road, I can tell what a HUGE difference this focus on healing the gut has made. I very rarely have any digestive upset, no burping, no farting, no bloating, no nausea. On the rare occasion that I do experience these issues, I can easily pin-point what it was that is messing me up, so that I know what to avoid/address in the future. It’s actually quite shocking to me now that I look back on how far I’ve come. I really do/did take digestion for granted, so when I really took the time to stop and think about my progress, I was amazed at the improvement in my digestion.
The things I have learned from working with Lydia have literally changed my life and now, she is offering all of that information to you. Her new Heal Your Gut eCourse is designed to help you regain control of your health and get things functioning the way they were intended.
Heal Your Gut & Start Living Again!
This course will start again soon! Lydia will tackle an introduction to digestion and how to get your digestion working more effectively. It is critical to understand the systematic way our digestion functions in order to begin to unravel the dysfunction and balance the foundation of digestive wellness.
The course includes: 45+ self-paced lessons, plus lifetime access and tons of bonus materials. Additionally, you will receive access to a private support group on Facebook to ask your questions and share your thoughts/concerns.
Here is a brief overview of some of the topics covered the course:
Digestion 101 – How it works – How it can dysfunction. Proper nutrition and diet for optimal digestive health. We’ll do a ‘Clean Up Your Diet’ exercise with information and guidance on the best place to start healing your overall digestion. We’ll also discuss how stress effects digestion and what to do about it.
Elimination/Bowel Movements/ Constipation/Diarrhea. We will talk about how often bowels should move, what constitutes a healthy bowel movement, we will learn an exercise to test bowel transit time and how to support constipation or diarrhea.
Absorption. You can eat all the healthy food in the world, but if you can’t digest and absorb it you won’t be gaining what you’d hope from all your efforts! We’ll do an exercise to help you determine whether you are digesting your foods properly starting with the stomach. We’ll will discuss fat digestion and how to determine if you are actually absorbing your fats adequately. There will also be suggestions for foods to use to support digestion and supplemental support as well.
Food Sensitivities, Intolerances and Allergies. How to do an Elimination diet and feel great in a short amount of time – how to reintroduce foods systematically to find which may be problematic and which are helpful to your body.
Probiotics. We will discuss the role of probiotics, the different types of probiotics and how to best obtain them from supplements with specific & effective probiotic supplement recommendations.
Fermented/Cultured Foods. We will have a fermentation expert guest on the call – we will discuss the extraordinary health benefits of properly home fermented foods, how to get started and why including them is critical.
And much, much more!
What Can You Expect?
You will need to have email and a Facebook account is helpful to access the private group where discussion will take place for the duration of the class time. Lydia will keep the group open for one week after the class so you can download or collect any information you want. You can expect regular interactions on the private group, along with weekly updates from Lydia on any further information pertaining the lecture, such as links, advice, recipes, how to’s, videos, recommended reading and handouts! Downloads and handouts will be sent out via email weekly.
Ready to take charge of your health? Learn more and register here, or click on the image below. Payment options are available.
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