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Coconut oil continues to amaze me in the hope it offers for a wide variety of illnesses and for improved overall health. We live in such a toxic world with such poor quality food. Add on the fact that most people have been led to believe that fat is bad, and saturated fat is downright evil, and we have one sick nation on our hands.
Please note: The content shared on this site is for informational and educational purposes only. Statements/products discussed have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and are not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease or illness. Please consult your own certified health care practitioner before making changes to your current diet or before beginning any herbal or vitamin supplement regimen or exercise program.
Last spring, I wrote a post about how many people have experienced success in improving their Alzheimer’s symptoms by including coconut oil into their diets. Granted, what works for one person may not work the same for someone else, however, there have been countless testimonies that show that coconut oil offers a lot of hope for those suffering from diseases like Alzheimer’s and dementia. You can read that specific post here.
Coconut oil also offers hope for other neurological disorders like Parkinson’s and ALS. This recent story from CoconutOil.com shares a report from Lorie Johnson of CBN, and shows how coconut oil has changed the life of three different people, all suffering from neurological disorders – ALS, Parkinson’s, and Alzheimer’s. Watch the amazing video below:
CoconutOil.com also covered a remarkable story last year about Clarence, who started consuming coconut oil and it helped reverse his ALS symptoms. His story is truly remarkable and worth reading.
Why does coconut oil seem to help these individuals (and countless others)? I think it comes down to the fact that we, as a nation are starved when it comes to healthy fats. Decades of low-fat diets has led to an increase in many diseases, due to the fact that our bodies are literally starving to death for healthy fat. Fat is vital to our existence and saturated fat and cholesterol play HUGE roles in our wellness. Did you know that the brain contains only 2% of the body’s mass, but 25% of the total cholesterol? Our bodies need cholesterol and fat to survive, yet we have had decades upon decades of low-fat propaganda shoved down our throats. This has led to a sick and diseased nation. Did you know that prior to 1960, Alzheimer’s was relatively unheard of? Fast forward 50 years and Alzheimer’s is occurring at epidemic rates.
There is a lot of anecdotal evidence that coconut oil can help a wide variety of illnesses and disorders. I am constantly hearing stories of people who have experienced remarkable recoveries by using coconut oil. Is coconut oil a cure all? No, because there is no single magic bullet that fixes everything The human body is far more complex than that, however, I think that coconut oil offers many properties that are healing when used as part of an overall protocol. I have personally experienced a lot of success using coconut oil to aid in weight loss and improved thyroid health. It is an integral part of my diet and has been for years. When compared with the toxic, dangerous drugs that Big Pharma continues to develop, I believe it’s certainly worth a try.
Want to know more about coconut oil and how it has changed the lives of many people across the world? This great book “Virgin Coconut Oil“, offers a ton of wonderful information and delicious recipes. I have a copy of this book and refer to it often. It also makes a great gift for loved ones — I like to keep a couple extra copies on hand to give away. If you place an order through this link, you will receive a copy of the virgin coconut oil for free and I will receive a discount coupon for referring you.
For more reading about coconut oil, check out some of my past posts:
- The Saturated Fat Myth: Eat More Butter and Coconut Oil
- Coconut Oil Health Benefits: Why Is It So Wonderful?
- 52 Uses for Coconut Oil: The Simple, The Strange, and The Downright Odd
- 122 Uses for Coconut Oil: The Simple, The Strange, and The Downright Odd
Have you experienced any success using coconut oil? I’d love to hear your stories! Feel free to share below!
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