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Recently, I created a series of images for the Delicious Obsessions Facebook page, on various ways to use coconut oil. I know that not everyone is on Facebook, so I wanted to share those images here as well! These images contain nowhere near all of the uses there are for coconut oil. If you want more, read my post for 122 Uses for Coconut Oil here. You can also find printable images of the 122 Uses of Coconut Oil here.
If you want to read more about coconut oil, here are a few other posts you might enjoy:
- Coconut Oil – Why is it so Wonderful?
- Coconut Oil for Healthy, Happy Pets – Why it’s Good and How to Use
- 52 Uses for Coconut Oil – The Simple, The Strange, and the Downright Odd!
- How to Add Coconut Oil to Smoothies Without Clumping
- Coconut OIl and Alzheimer’s – New and Exciting Research
- Coconut Oil Hair Treatment
Feel free to share these with your family and friends. If you re-post on your own website, I just ask that you give proper credit for the images back to this site!
You can click on the images for a larger version. Enjoy!
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