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This has become my new favorite product! I have wanted a juicer for a long time (and don’t get me wrong, one day I will have one of those beautiful Champion Juicers), but since we don’t have an extra $250-$400 to shell out, this little Black and Decker citrus juicer will have to do.
And do it does! I love this little thing. We got it when Nathan started the cleanse because hand juicing the lemons and limes just wasn’t efficient. It was one of the best purchases we’ve made. Orange juice has never tasted so wonderful and it makes preparing the lemonade for the cleanse so much easier.
If you love fresh citrus juice, this is the tool for you. And now is the perfect time to grab one, seeing citrus season will be here soon! The oranges I’ve had so far this season have been wonderful!
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